Part 16

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Y/n groaned as his eyes slowly opened. His head was paining like hell and his eyes were blood red. Slowly, trying to walk straight, he made his way to the kitchen counter where a dressed Chisato sat sipping on a cup of coffee. As he sat next to her, Chisato handed him a cup of coffee.

"Thank you." Y/n said with a slight slur and sipped on the coffee.

For the next 10 minutes, the two sat silently and drank the hot coffee. They both stared into space. Y/n looked at the counter and saw that the wine bottle only had a drop left.

"Jeez. Did we really drink so much? I barely remember anything that happened last night." Said Y/n while rubbing his forehead. "I didn't say anything weird, did I?"

"Fufu. Don't worry about it. As soon as the bottle was empty, you passed out and I tucked you in bed." Chisato said with a smile as she remembered Y/n's attempt at a drunken confession.

"Ah. Sorry for worrying you, Chisato." Y/n said softly but she shook her head.

"No. It was my fault for letting you drink too much." She then looked at the time and sighed softly. "Well, I must be off. Don't wanna be late for work."

"Yeah. Be safe." Y/n said with a smile.

He blushed softly when Chisato leaned forward and kissed his forehead. With a beautiful smile, Chisato left, leaving the red-haired male to his thoughts.

"Okay. Tonight is the night. Larz, you better do good on your part." Y/n said to himself and prepared for the day.


"You pervert!!!"

With a knee to the nuts, that's how Basara's morning began. Perhaps it was sheer luck or some manipulation, Mio and Maria had become his new step-sisters. Groaning and slowly walking down the stairs of his new home, Basara frowned a bit at this whole idea of having siblings...


He shook his head. He didn't want to think about it but it lingered on his mind.

Six years. That's how long it has been since he last saw Y/n on the day they were kicked out of the village. Six years of worrying where he might be and they received no word. Perhaps there was outside interference that kept them from him.

"Why does this always happen to me?" Basara muttered softly and when he opened the door to the living room, a delicious smell floated into his nose.

"Ah. Basara-san, good morning."

Looking into the kitchen, he saw Maria cooking.

"Ah, yeah. Good morning." He said with a soft voice.

As he opened the fridge door and drank from the milk box, the milk suddenly shot out through his nose.

"Maria-chan! What's with that outfit?!" Basara asked with a red face and Maria tilted her head in confusion.

"Outfit? Is it strange?"

"S-Strange...I mean...Why naked?"

Mari grinned suddenly.

"Haha, hm. I see." She then twirled around, revealing that she wore clothes underneath her apron and Basara sighed in relief. "It's a shame. But it's not a naked apron. Ah! Could it be that you were excited?! Oh right. Earlier, Mio-chan went to wake you up, but how did it go?"

"Thanks to that, I'm fully awake now." Basara muttered softly.

"No, no. That's not what I meant. That game that I smuggled into your bed. Did Mio-chan see it?" She asked with a serious expression.

My Power shall be Absolute (Male Reader x Shinmai Maou no Testament)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora