Part 2

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The light tapping of footsteps was all that could be heard in the darkness. A young boy with bright flowing red hair and fierce burning red eyes could be seen. He didn't know this place that well evidence by the serious face he had. The young boy held his Demonic looking left hand in front of his face before it started glowing brightly, illuminating the path of the dark forest he travelled through.

Thunder struck and rain began to fall through the leaves of the tree. Y/n looked up at the thunder clouds with an unreadable expression as his clothes and hair started to get wet. As more thunder struck, memories began to replay in his head. Y/n grit his teeth in anger.

Blaming himself for his weakness?

Or because of not knowing his origins?

It was unknown.

Unknown to the young boy, an almost unnoticeable blue aura seeped out of him. He balled his fists to the point where they started to bleed and he clenched his teeth. His demonic left arm began to glow brightly and his eyes began to glow a fiery red. Y/n screamed out in pure anger and the reforged katana appeared in his young hands. Not even realizing it, Y/n gripped the blade tightly and slashed towards the clouds.

"WHO THE HELL AM I?!" He shouted angrily and didn't notice he cut the leaves of the trees as well as split the thunder clouds in the sky.

Y/n fell to his knees as tears trailed down his cheeks. He clutched the katana tight before laying on his side.

"Mom...Where are you?" Y/n asked softly and fell asleep.

A few minutes went by, and loud growls were heard in the bushes. Y/n was too tired and exhausted to even wake up. A large pack of wolves then came into view and they eyes the sleeping boy hungrily. The pack leader howled loud and Y/n's eyes shot open. Immediately he sat up but one wolf pounced towards him and bit on his right shoulder.

Y/n cried out in pain as the wolf sunk its fangs deeper into his shoulder. Y/n gripped the heavy blade in his tightly and tried his best to swing it, but the blade was simply too heavy for him. He was able to then cut the wolf biting down on him and whimpered while retreating. Y/n groggily stood up and gripped his bleeding shoulder with gritted teeth.

The pack leader circled the boy as did the rest of the pack before they crouched down and bared their fangs. One wolf jumped up with wide-open jaws and came down fast at Y/n. The young boy held his left arm out and the wold bit down it. Both Y/n and the wolf's eyes widened. The wolf's sharp teeth couldn't penetrate the Demonic appendage.

Y/n then switched the katana in his right hand and put it in his left. He poked the wolf's eye and whimpered before jumping backwards. With his demonic arm gripping the katana tightly, Y/n swiped the blade and it sliced through the wolf with minimal effort. While Y/n was still wide-eyed at how easily he cut through the wolf, another came from behind and bit his calf.

Y/n screamed in pain before he glared at the wolf he tried ripping his calf apart. He swung the sword behind him and easily chopped the wolf's head, blood spraying onto his clothes, face and hair. Limping as he turned to look at each beast that circled him, Y/n held the katana tightly...

But slowly...

His vision was starting to blur...

Y/n shook his head and tried his best to stay awake, the exhaustion of traversing the dense forest adding to the mix. One wolf jumped into the air, but Y/n' was ready. He ducked down to avoid the claws and teeth of the animal before swinging his sword. The insides of the animal then spilled out onto the forest floor as Y/n's cut through it like hot butter through tofu.

Before Y/n's recover from his ducking position, the Alpha of the pack decided to make its move and went for Y/n's left shoulder. Y/n screamed out in pain as the katana slipped out of his hand and the razor-sharp teeth of the alpha tearing his flesh off. Y/n tried his best to reach out for his katana but he simply couldn't feel his arms. He had also lost too much blood.

'I-Is.....Is this the end?' Y/n thought with wide eyes as tears began to well in his eyes. 'I didn't even start yet....How truly pathetic of me...If only....If only I was stronger....I....I....I want-'

'pOwER...' A voice echoed in his mind.

'Yeah...I want power...I want power....More power...' Y/n thought and soon his tearing eyes turned into ones filled with rage.

Lightning began to crackle ominously in the clouds and the wolves didn't notice this. Instead, they prepared to pounce one more time to end the boy's life. Just as the pack jumped towards the boy, the katana that was a few metres away from him suddenly flew into his hand. A flash of purple lightning appeared from the heavens and struck the boy, simultaneously blinding and blowing away the pack of hungry wolves.

Once the light was gone, there stood Y/n fully healed. Not even a scar was present on his body. His Demonic left hand was no longer there, instead, the katana was in a black sheath. Seeing the mysterious power, the pack had no choice but to retreat back into the dense forest. Y/n looked around and made sure that the coast was clear...

Before he fell forward seemingly unconscious. The katana then disappeared and instead, the Demonic left arm returned. Completely exhausted, Y/n had no sense of his surroundings so it was obvious he didn't notice the soft footsteps heading his way. Suddenly, his head was picked up off from the ground and was laid on something soft. A smooth hand then brushed away the strands of hair in his face.

An angelic hum was heard and Y/n's tensed up body loosened as peace wash over him.

"For the future of the Heavens up high, may the protection and guidance of the spirits of light be with you." An angelic voice spoke and a faint glow appeared around Y/n.

Y/n groggily opened his eyes and saw that he was in a cave. He slowly sat up and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.

"Huh? I don't remember making my way into this cave." He said confused.

He then began to check the wounds that he received but found none. Once he glanced at his Demonic left hand, Y/n gained an unreadable expression before a fire was ignited in him. Y/n stood up from the floor. His Demonic left hand disappeared and instead, the katana appeared in his human-looking left hand. He unsheathed the blade and struggled to hold it in his right hand for a few seconds...

And then...

His hands stopped trembling. Suddenly the blade felt lighter for him now. He gripped the blade in both hands before he raised it over his head and with a serious expression, he slashed downwards. A nearly invisible slash went through a few trees that were outside of the cave and slowly, Y/n sheathed his sword. With the sword clinked with the sheath, the few trees then fell down with a loud crash. Y/n looked at the katana in his hands before it disappeared and his Demonic left arm appeared.

"There is no time doubt. I know what must be done." Y/n said with a serious face and he began to walk out of the cave...

Not noticing that his shadow on the cave wall looked Demonic.

My Power shall be Absolute (Male Reader x Shinmai Maou no Testament)Where stories live. Discover now