Part 9

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A figure then jumped into the water and swam to the bottom of the river where Y/n laid. They picked him up with minimal effort and swam towards the surface. Once they arrived at the riverbank, they figure laid Y/n down and put their head to Y/n chest. The most noticeable thing about the figure was horns on their head and fiery red hair.

"Shit. He has too much water in his lungs." The figure was female.

The female then closed Y/n's nose and pressed her lips to his before blowing air into his lungs. She then removed her lips from Y/n's and began to perform Cpr.

"Come on. You cannot die on me yet." The female said with worry in her voice.

Suddenly, a beautiful and bright smile made its way onto her face when Y/n began to cough the water out from his lungs. She put her head to his chest and sighed in relief.

"Thank goodness. His breathing is steady. Baka. Who jumps into a deep river with gravity magic on them? Nii-sama really is a baka." The woman said with a frown and put her hand on Y/n's cheek. "Don't be so foolish Y/n. You cannot die yet. You still have to meet HER. She's also waiting to see you." A sad smile then made its way onto her beautiful face. "I'm sorry, Y/n, but I have to go. I have to save HER...Please....forgive me for being selfish."

She then tucked a lock of her behind her ear and leaned down to kiss his cheek. She stood up to leave but a frown made its way onto her face.

'I just can't leave him here. Perhaps I can transfer some mana. Just enough for him to recover...but...' She then looked at Y/n's lips. 'Shit. It's the only way.' She thought with a blush on her face.

She then went onto her knees once more and cupped Y/n's cheeks. Slowly, she leaned down so that there were only a few centimetres from each other. She shut her eyes before pressing her lips firmly to Y/n's. She turned bright red and she rolled her tongue around Y/n's. She was surrounded by a faint crimson aura. After a minute of exploring Y/n's mouth, she separated from Y/n with a string of saliva connecting them. She then what little saliva there was on her chin with a red face.

"Shit. Why didn't I do that when I was giving him mouth to mouth? How shameless. Nii-sama, I definitely won't forgive you for this." She then looked at Y/n's lips once more and then pecked them. "Grow up strong Y/n and be who you want to be. I....I might not be able to see you again so please forgive me."

The woman then stood up with a sad look and then ran away

Y/n groggily opened his eyes to see an unfamiliar ceiling. His body felt better and warm.

"Huh? I still have three weeks left." Y/n said to himself and slowly sat up.

He looked around and saw that he was in a large fancy looking bedroom.

"I'm telling you, Leohart-sama is not going to be happy about this." A male said and Y/n was instantly on guard.

"Oh boohoo. It gets boring being hold up in here all day." A female said and the door was suddenly opened. "Ah...he's awake..." The female said softly.

The female was a beautiful woman who looked like she was in her mid-teens possing a voluptuous and well-endowed body figure. She had bright blue eyes and long blonde hair, she wore a very revealing attire that showed most of her skin.

"Wait a minute, YOU?!" Y/n asked shocked and she waved cutely.

"Ya ho."


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