Part 14

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Chisato Hasegawa. The mysterious beauty with emerald orbs walked down the street with an angelic smile on her face. As she walked, she played with the earring that was on her left ear before giggling to herself.

'I wonder what I could make for dinner...just me and Y/n, huh...' Chisato thought as a small red tint appeared on her cheeks.

Suddenly, she stopped in her tracks when she felt a familiar presence. Her face twisted into one of dissatisfaction as a male spoke with slight anger but also satisfaction in his voice.

"You are getting very attached to that abomination..."

"Oh? And who are you to tell me who I can and cannot be with, Ornis?" Chisato asked and turned to face the male.

Ornis's eye twitched but he kept his calm smile.

"The rest of Gods had seen fit that I am to be your watcher, but, when you involve yourself with Demons, I can assume that you are planning something. Especially with the likes of that Half-Breed. You wouldn't want me to tell the rest of Gods now would we?"

"I have no time for your boring talks, Ornis. I have somewhere to be." Chisato said with a bored tone before turning to walk.

Ornis grit his teeth in anger as he balled his fists.

"And do me a favour. Stay far away from Y/n...Or else..."

"Or else what? Are you afraid that I will tell him who you really are, Afureia? Or perhaps or should tell him the whereabouts of his mot-"

"You'd best watch your next words wisely, Ornis."

Ornies stepped back as Chisato looked at him with glowing blue eyes and the tips of her long black hair were golden. Chisato's eyes and hair went back to normal, with a last glance at the God in disguise, she walked away. Once she had reached the front door of her apartment, the sound of a glass shattering was heard. Chisato quickly made her way inside and saw Y/n staring at the shattered plate with a blank expression.

"Huh...?" Y/n said softly.

"Y/n?" Chisato spoke softly and he looked at her.

"Hasegawa-san, I...I'm sorry." He said softly and began to pick up the pieces of the plate.

Chisato sighed in relief and walked up to him. Y/n winced a little as a small piece of the plate cut his finger open.

"Are you okay?" She asked with a soft gentle tone that made Y/n's face light up/

"Y-Yeah. J-Just cut my finger."

"Let me have a look." Chisato then took Y/n's hand into hers and he blushed as he felt her soft skin. "Hmm...It's not too deep. A bandaid will fix this. Just wait for here for a second."

The dark-haired beauty then walked to her room and after a few seconds had gone by, she came back with a plaster. She held Y/n's hand underneath the tap and washed the blood away.

But, while Chisato focused on his hand, Y/n couldn't tear his eyes away from her. Her entrancing features. Her bright green eyes. Chisato glanced at him from the corner of her eye and giggled softly.

"You know, it's rude to stare."

"Huh? O-Oh! S-Sorry. Uhm...I didn't mean too." Y/n said looking away from her with a red face.

"Don't worry about it. If it makes you feel any better, I stare at you too sometimes." She said surprising him


"Yeah. You have a cute sleeping face." Steam then appeared on top of Y/n's head and he couldn't even form a single sentence. "And there we go. All finished." Chisato said after putting on the plaster.

My Power shall be Absolute (Male Reader x Shinmai Maou no Testament)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora