Part 4

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"Uhm..." Y/n said awkwardly as he looked at the silver-haired girl on top of him.

"I'm sorry." The girl said softly and climbed off Y/n.

His eyes widened when he saw tears falling from her eyes. She turned away and wanted to run again, but Y/n grabbed her arm.

'What the hell am I doing?! She a Demon....then again, I am one too.' Y/n thought and then looked at the girl in concern. "Uh...are you alright? I mean, you ran pretty hard into me back there." he said rubbing the back of his neck.

"It's nothing. You shouldn't concern yourself with me." The girl said and wiped her tears away with a sniffle. "In any case. What is a Demon like you doing here anyway?" She asked looking at Y/n in curiosity.

"Demon?" Y/n asked confused and then realized. "Oh, right! Uhh. I was deep in thought and didn't realize I ended up here." Y/n said with a small chuckle.

The girl at Y/n suspiciously but he stuck his demonic hand out.

"The name is Y/n. And you are?" He asked with a smile.

"Me? You mean you don't know who I am?" She asked with wide eyes.

"Besides a Succubus? No. I can't say that I don't know. Look at me. I've been living under a rock for the past for years." Y/n said and her eyes widened even further.

"I-I see..." She said with a small smile and shook Y/n's hand. "Maria. Nice to meet you. Y/n."

"So....Any idea where we are?" Y/n asked looking around the completely dark forest.

"About that....hehehe. I don't know where we are either." Maria said with a sheepish chuckle and Y/n sighed.

"Well. Isn't that just great." Y/n said but then raised an eyebrow when Maria started sniffing him. "I know I stink, okay. You don't have to remind me." He said with a deadpan.

"Hmmm? You have a very strange smell. It's....kinda a nice smell." Maria said and held onto his rags tightly.

Y/n looked away with a slight blush on his face when Maria dug her head into his chest and continued to sniff him.

"Your smell....It is intoxicating." She said breathless and down his chest, towards his-

"Okay, that is enough smelling." Y/n said and moved away from the succubus. "Come on. We need to find a way out of here."

"Y-Yeah. R-Right." Maria said almost within a daze and shook her head. 'I wonder what was that smell? It smelt so lovely.' She thought staring at Y/n's back as he began to walk through the forest.

'So this is the Demon World, huh? An ex-Hero in a land of Demons. How nice....well....I guess I too am a Demon.' Y/n thought to himself and stared at his Demonic arm.

"Uhm....I think we need to go this way." Maria said pointing behind her and chuckled sheepishly.

"Y-Yeah. I'll follow behind you." Y/n said and they began to make their way out of the forest.

After walking in relative silence, Y/n decided to make conversation.

"So...Earlier, you were crying. Did something happen?" Y/n asked curiously and Maria sighed.

"Do you....I don't really know how to explain it but, do you ever have those moments where expect so much from you and you just feel like running away?" Maria asked and Y/n's eyes widened in shock.

"Yeah...I know that feeling all too well. I guess that is the reason why I am in this mess in the first place. So much was expected from me, but I decided to take my own path." Y/n said and Maria looked at him in surprise. "You shouldn't care about other people's opinions. It is your life. Live how you want to."

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