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i put my two weeks in a week ago.

everything was just getting too much for me at this moment. i was falling into a depressive episode where i can't even get out of bed

i've gone through this many times, it's nothing new but it hits so hard, i forget how i lived through it.

it's not anything physical, it was all happening in my head, internally.

i didn't want to speak, i had nothing to say anyways. so when mom comes to my room to tell me how to take care of jory like i don't do it all the time, i just nod until she gives up trying to get an answer out of me and leaves

what is it, that first occupies my mind when i think of sadness. not feeling pretty enough? knowing me and my mothers relationship can never be salvaged? feeling like i'm never enough for anyone?

i pick choice c, feeling like i'm never enough for anybody.
which is ironic because i was just starting to accept myself physically in a way.

i had almost stopped comparing myself to other girls.


i put my airpods in just to stare at the wall. the melanchole album by salvia palth played as i passed the time, which was just 30 minutes until jory woke up.

it was 9am now. i wish i could've stayed in bed longer.

"did you brush your teeth?" i asked him warily as i smelt his hot, smelly breath from a few feet away from me.


"go brush your teeth."

"i want to eat cereal. cinnamon toast crunch."

"okay, just go brush your teeth."

his little footsteps grew further away until i heard the water run. i used this as a sign to brush my own teeth. 
i feel like a hypocrite

i heard my phone buzz as i brushed my teeth after my shower, and i assumed it was khalil since we've been talking more and more everyday.

i can just text him back later.

but later can mean anytime today or next week and i didn't want him to lose interest in me. i may not like him a lot, but it feels good to know someone wants me.

i know it's selfish but i feel like years of rejection lead you to this feeling and it'll only get better by feeling the void with a person. one that you can use for you.

i force myself to look at the text, it was actually from sergio.


good morning mamas
how'd u sleep?


are your parents home?

no it's only me and jory tdy

come outside

i have to lock in. he texted me good morning like 20 minutes ago, so how long has he been outside waiting for an answer?

and i knew i looked a mess. my bonnet was on, i had just showered making me ashy because i was too lazy to moisturize.

i hurriedly ran back to my room and started applying my lotion, the eos 24 hour vanilla cashmere.
i had another eos lotion, the jasmine peach but i wasn't feeling fruity today, if you know what i mean.

like having your perfumes together, and picking the one that suits you best that day. and today i wanted to feel cozy, i felt like the other one was for summer, this was fall.

i put on a cuter outfit than what i had on, well just pants. a white pro club shirt and these cargo sweatpants that werent cuffed at the end.

i put on pure seduction by victoria secret. i loved this scent right now.

i took my bonnet off and raked my fingers through my braids, making me look better. i put some carmex on my lips then i put on my crocs and left the house.

i guess this is the most excited i've been today, not by jory and not by the thought of khalil texting me.
it was knowing that i would see sergio face to face right now after some time, a week maybe.
we were on our annual fall break.

and all i've done was work that time so i do deserve this day off.

i saw his white truck on the side of my yard but still on the driveway if you understand, like by the mailbox.

jory was watching tv so i don't think he noticed the door opened.

i smiled at the sight of him.
i feel like a simp right now.

i knock on the window and he unlocks the door. "we have to make this quick. i left jory inside," i tell him.

"why can't he meet me?" sergio answers me, getting a few things form in between his legs. he has a single cab, so barely anything could go in the back.

"and tell my parents how i let a tall and tattooed man inside their house? never."

he rolled his eyes but i knew he understood.

"how long have you been here anyways?" i ask.

"like a good 30 minutes."

i avert my eyes, feeling guilty.

"anyways for you mamas." he gives me a chickfila bag and a starbucks one, with a hot coffee.
i didn't like the iced coffee

i beamed at the sight. my favorite pick me ups.

"thank you gio. did you get any for yourself?"

"no, you were more important at the time."

i reached over to give him a hug, which he returned by gripping my waist tightly and resting his head in the crook of my neck.

we stayed like this for a while, not because he let go. a few seconds after the hug i felt his grip get looser, but i didn't let go. i didn't want to.

not when i felt like i was going through something and he seemed the only light i could find.

and it felt like if i didn't hug him as tightly as i am, i could lose my light.

he rubbed circles on my back, he does this to calm me. does he know that the grip i have on him means i need something from him?

he must.

i let go when i realize again i left jory inside. i let go, feeling a little embarrassed on how far i took that hug.

this is obviously not my best moments.

"you smell good," he says, to ease the tension i am surely showing on my face.

i smile because he always says this.

"i'm going to go now, thank you again gio."

he leans forward and kisses my forehead, a gesture that's so small but speaks volumes to me.

"bye mamas."

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