Unable to muster the energy to fly, Bibble perched on Sukuna's right shoulder, craving the safety and comfort of Elina's arms. Sukuna feeling little bit empathized with Bibble's fear-stricken expression, remembering a time when himself also had been in a similar state.

"Hey, Brat... you sure you want to keep following your master?" Sukuna asked.

Bibble nodded slowly. He was determined to follow Elina, just to ensure her safe arrival at her destination. With Bibble's affirmation, Sukuna continued their journey through the eerie Misty Moss Woods, but this time at a slower pace.


Elina was feeling incredibly lucky tonight. Unlike the other shops in Fairy Town, the Fairytail Finery shop was conveniently located on the ground rather than up in the trees. This meant Elina didn't have to climb a tree to get there, as she didn't have wings to fly. All she had to do was step into the Fairytail Finery shop.

She happily purchased different colored fabrics, along with some thread and needles, all at a reasonable price. for Sukuna. As Elina left the shop, she couldn't help but notice the strange looks from fairies passing by. It was clear they were surprised by her lack of wings. Ignoring their gazes, Elina focused on finding a place to eat that was easily accessible.

Fortunately, there were several food stalls set up on the ground, away from the treetop shops. After considering her options, Elina decided to dine at the Dewdrop Diner. The atmosphere inside was calm, with a modest number of fairies present. Elina chose a seat near the window, placing an order for herself and some food to take home for Bibble and Sukuna.

As she enjoyed her meal, Elina admired the peaceful ambiance of the diner. While seeing at the outside, various fairies fluttered around Fairy Town, creating a lively scene.

Suddenly, a voice interrupted her thoughts, asking if the seat beside her was taken. Elina turned to see a friendly-looking female fairy, who seemed to be around the same age as Ms. Topaz, smiling warmly at her.

"Oh, please, go ahead and sit," Elina kindly offered, gesturing for the fairy to join her. The fairy settled into the nearby seat, and Elina resumed her dinner.

When she had finished, the fairy turned to her and remarked, "What a beautiful view, don't you think?" Elina nodded, a slow smile spreading across her face.

"Yes, it's truly breathtaking. This is my first time seeing so many type fairies of Fairytopia gathered in one place." Smiling, the fairy explained,

"Well, Fairy Town is renowned for its uniqueness. It's the heart of every fairy from every region, drawing them together. I must say, I haven't seen you here before. Is it your first visit?"

Elina confirmed, "Yes, this is my first time here. By the way, may I ask for your name?"

"I'm Azura, and you must be Elina, right?" the fairy replied.

Surprised, Elina asked, "How did you know my name?"

Azura simply pointed at Elina's brooch. "Your name is written right there."

Elina blushed, feeling a bit foolish. Meanwhile, Azura chuckled softly, and her drink arrived, prompting Elina and Azura to resume their conversation about their daily lives. Elina shared the story of her pufferball, Bibble, accidentally inhaling flower pollen and sneezing due to allergies. Azura, on the other hand, recounted a funny incident where a pet unicorn had escaped and caused trouble all over Fairy Town.

Elina felt relieved that Azura didn't bring up the topic of her lack of wings like other fairies. In the past, Elina had been subjected to hurtful comments and exclusion because of her condition. She was often referred to as "Elina the Cripple" and felt judged by others.

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