chp. 54

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Two weeks passed after 17 accomplished their mission

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Two weeks passed after 17 accomplished their mission. Receiving tons of money from the people that seeked revenge for the people of the AZURE Club, who were negatively affected from their crimes.

Once he felt like he was getting better, Jeonghan expressed what happened to his partner, trusting her. Of course, she helped him and comforted him.

Only a few minor missions occurred after that, the members of the gang had a lot of free time, meaning that Jeonghan had a lot of time to spend with his girl friend. 

The couple was cuddled up in the male's bed, providing each other warmth beneath the sun that peered through the reflective window. Hwayoung's body was wrapped with Jeonghan's body, comfortable in his touch. 



"Do you want to meet my members? Well, my family." He questioned in a low tone, his voice muffled by Hwayoung's shirt. 

"Yes. I've met a few of them." The Song responded, a bit distracted from Jeonghan's attractive voice.

"You should meet them all at once. It might be overwhelming but it'll be fun. They really want to meet you as well." Jeonghan reminded, making his own plan in his mind. "What about tonight? Let's go to a restaurant, we haven't eaten out in a while."

"What do you mean? We just ate out yesterday."

"As in like my team and I." He corrected himself, a small 'Ah' slipping from the other's mouth. "Is that okay?"

"Of course it's an okay from me. But, aren't your members busy?" Hwayoung inquired, continuing to snuggle herself into the warmths of her partner's bed.

"Nah, we've been getting less missions lately. I'm sure they'll be available today." He reckoned, pulling out his phone to call his leader.

Soon, evening rose upon the city of Seoul, in which eleven people gathered at a fancy restaurant. The whole place was empty, only filled with a few servers and waiters that stood politely at the large door, highlighted through golden lights. The aura contrasted well with the darkening night, a light breeze falling upon them.

"Gosh, you didn't have to reserve such a fancy place. It must have cost a lot." Hwayoung mumbled and the taller male heard her, observing as her eyes gleamed at the sight of the restaurant. 

"Don't worry. Have you ever been to a restaurant like this before?" The Yoon asked, slipping his clothed arm around her waist and resting his hand on her hip.

"Yeah, once. When your team asked me a favour." 

Hwayoung was dressed in black trousers and a cropped beige blazer over her plain, white top. She wanted to appear mature and appropriate for meeting his members at once but she struggled to find such fancy clothes. On the other hand, Jeonghan was dressed in a neat black suit, with a black, silk button-up shirt underneath.

The Yoon looked down to the watch that wrapped around his slim wrists, then turned to the sound of cars pulling up. 

Hwayoung also turned around, gaping at the numerous luxurious vehicles that shined, reflecting the light of the restaurant. The members came out of their cars, smiling and waving at the only female. 

It felt a bit awkward to be the only female surrounded by a bunch of men, but luckily, they were very welcoming and seemed approachable to her. She was able to recognise a few faces from previous meetings with them but most of them, she had no idea who they were.

"Hey, Hwayoung. I'm Lee Dokyeom." He smiled, putting his hands out for a handshake in which the said female accepted it gratefully. 

The rest of the members also introduced themselves as Jeonghan simply stood beside her, watching as the hands of his girl friend and his members interlocked. He was glad that they accepted her but a bit disappointed that they had to start it off with physical touch. 

"Well, let's go in now?" Seungcheol requested, the members along with Hwayoung nodded and followed the Choi into the private dining area. 

Jeonghan held Hwayoung's hands, leading her up the concrete stairs and bowed at the guards outside before greeted to a woody scent, a large and long table across the place, with a white cloth over it and a few utensils. 

The Yoon pulled out the velvet, cushion seat for Hwayoung, in which she grinned and thanked him before taking a seat. 

Like many other fancy restaurants, the meals were based off a set menu that you had to select when booking. After settling themselves at the dining table, all eyes diverted to the only female.

She smiled, however, it was obvious that it was a stiff one. In notice of this, Jeonghan slipping his hands over hers, squeezing it gently as a sense of comfort. 

"Aren't you scared of Jeonghan? After finding out he was in a gang and shit." Junhui questioned out of the blue, making a light chuckle leave the Song's mouth.

"Not really. When I found out, I was too upset about him lying and got over about him being in a gang." She responded, allowing the members to nod as they listened carefully.

"I know this might sound weird, but it's hard to ask questions because we basically know everything about you." Mingyu joked, either tensing or loosening the atmosphere. "Because of him and our hacking skills." He clarified. 

"Shit, did you hack into my Instagram account?" Hwayoung tilted her head playfully.

"I could if you want to. I can even give you over a million followers." The Kim followed along and the members laughed at their roleplay. 

As the food began to come out, the members began talking into their own separate conversations while Jeonghan made sure to include his partner every time he spoke.

"Why do I feel like we're all just third wheeling them?"

I feel like whenever I'm nearly done writing a book I instantly get ideas for another book and can't think of what to write for my current one

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I feel like whenever I'm nearly done writing a book I instantly get ideas for another book and can't think of what to write for my current one

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