chp. 48

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TW: S*xual tension

TW: S*xual tension

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

"Hyung. It's great to have you back." Dokyeom smiled, pulling his chair out for the meeting occurring soon, the mentioned male chuckled in response.

"I know right. Leader was so scary while you were gone." Mingyu exaggerated, opening his eyes wide while waiting for the rest of the members to enter the room. 

"How did he end up changing his mind?" The Yoon questioned in a genuine tone.

"Well, your members are very convincing. Plus, I think he was just too angry at the moment. We all know he doesn't usually act that fast." Dokyeom responded.

"Are you guys talking about me?" Seungcheol butted in, walking into the meeting room with a stack of papers in hand, followed by Minghao and Wonwoo with their laptops. 

The three of them laughed stiffly, immediately turning their heads around in awkwardness.

Soon, everyone gathered into the meeting room, everyone sitting in their usual spots. Wonwoo began by projecting his screen onto the larger board. The members diverted their attention to it, scanning the components printed onto the presentation. 

"Since our ace is back, we need to move quickly." The Choi started. "We need to kill all of the AZURE VIPs around the same time and then murder Yoon Eunwoo right after. We don't know what plans he has so we must kill him before he commits them." Seungcheol nodded to the Chinese member.

"In a few days, before next Friday, we need to separate into groups and murder each member at the same time. But, we cannot have them together. There are ten of us and five of them, we can try two members per person. It would be best to combat with them rather than shoot." Minghao instructed. 

"This is our plan so far, if you have any suggestions, please let us know." Wonwoo continued, looking up to the screen. "Mingyu and Dokyeom in charge of Jung Jiho. Joshua and Jihoon in charge of Shin Daniel. Soonyoung and I, in charge of Kang Wonbin, Minghao and Junhui in charge of Park Hyunsuk and last of all, Seungcheol and Jeonghan in charge of Park Wonchan. Because it is two members per member, we won't be having anyone left at the base."

The members nodded, taking notes of the members that they are in charge of. Seungcheol began handing out files of each male to allow them to prepare and study. 

"Right now, we need to think about how to get them."

Hwayoung walked over towards the male in the kitchen with her phone in hand, her mother's elderly face on the screen. Jeonghan leaned onto the kitchen island as the Song stepped between him and the counter. 

"Han, say hi to my mom." She ordered, putting the screen of the phone in front of the male who took it into his hands.

"Hello! Nice to meet you." The Yoon smiled brightly, making a grin etch onto Hwayoung's face. He waved his hands, watching as her mother waved back as well. 

"Oh, you are one handsome young man." Her mother complimented, making Jeonghan deny it courteously before Hwayoung took the mobile device back. 

"Stop being so humble." The Song teased, hitting her boy friend's shoulder playfully. She felt his hands snake across her waist, sending a chill up her spine. 

Her face remained calm and unaffected until he pulled her body against his, closing the distance between each other. Hwayoung rested her chin onto his shoulder, still talking to her mother. Jeonghan decided to slide his calloused fingers into her loose shirt, making the Song widen her arms and the sudden skin contact. 

He rubbed his hands up and down on the soft skin on her back, Hwayoung wasn't aware of the smirk that raised on his lips.

"Alright, Young. I'm gonna make dinner now, have fun! Bye Jeonghan!" Her mother bid her goodbyes, the Song smiling back until they both hung up the call.

Hwayoung placed her phone onto the kitchen island, attempting to push herself off from the male but he pulled her back.

"What's wrong?" She asked, stuffing her face into the Yoon's neck, accidentally sniffing his masculine cologne of a gentle, citrus scent. 

Jeonghan continued rubbing his hand on her back, enjoying the smoothness of her bare skin, her shirt lifting occasionally. "Nothing." He answered.

Once again, she tried pulling away but his grip on her was too tight. "Let me go." She scrunched her nose, manoeuvring her face until they were less than an inch apart. 

Hwayoung stared at him, watching as his eyes diverted from her orbs to her lips. She bit the inner flesh of her lips at the direct stare, silence falling over the couple. Jeonghan looked back up at her, his teeth peeking behind his smirk.

"Don't bite your lips like that. It'll bleed." He advised, hinting the fact that he wanted to kiss.

"Whatever." Hwayoung rolled her eyes playfully, resting her arms around his shoulders. 

"I'll heal them for you." The Yoon connected their lips, suddenly - making the female hesitate for a few seconds but kissed back anyways. Jeonghan missed the contact of their lips, pleasant with the touch of her soft lips. 

Hwayoung tightened her wrap around his shoulders, feeling the sensation as he gently bit her lip, licking the stinging tingle with his tongue. One hand dropped to her waist while the other raised to her neck.

The Song felt his mouth gradually move roughly against hers, their heads tilted in opposite direction. 

The dying state of enchantment bloomed again, creating a sensual bubble around the two figures.

The dying state of enchantment bloomed again, creating a sensual bubble around the two figures

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

What happens next is up to your imaginations 😃😃

𝗽𝗼𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗻. jeonghanNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ