chp. 17

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Jeonghan stretched his body, rolling around his neck and extending his arms

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Jeonghan stretched his body, rolling around his neck and extending his arms. He slipped on his costumer for this specific mission; consisting of a designer long-sleeve polo shirt in which he rolled up the sleeves to his elbows and a pair of beige pants. He hooked the microscopic ear piece and adjusting it to his liking before hiding a few weapons into his clothes.

He quickly scanned himself in the mirror, making sure he was looking presentable for his first visit at the AZURE club.

The mission was simply to take a look at the club, not to create any sort of mass killing. Because it was impossible to find pictures online of the interior of this place, the members needed to check it out before they fully perform their mission.

The Yoon then headed over to the hacking room right across his bedroom. It was quite dark, the only forms of light being the lit screen and the monitors. There were three desks on each side of the wall, opposite of the door where three members sat in their respective places with various computer screens hung on the wall.

Soon, more of the members began to gather in the hacking room, each surrounding one desk.

"This is the front of the club. You have to enter through this door where you will meet a few men. However, most of them don't really care and if they do, just knock them out. Go through here and you must split into three groups for each door." Minghao ordered, pointing to certain parts of the screen as he moved the mouse. "You might find Yoon Eunwoo. He looks like this and is usually in the casino place."

"He kind of looks like Jeonghan if he had those edited filters on him." Junhui joked with one of his arms leaning onto the Xu's rolling chair.

"You can not compare that old man to our beautiful ace." Soonyoung defended as if he was the one insulted by Junhui. Jeonghan only laughed lightly, most of his attention on the upcoming mission.

A few of the members continued to prepare themselves while the rest already headed to the vehicle. Entering the elevator to their grand underground car park, Seungcheol selecting a specific van while Jihoon chose the smaller one.

Once all the members hopped into their assigned vehicles, they drove off to their location.

Arriving at an isolated building near a car park, distant from the main road and street lights. Jeonghan led the group to the correct building, already memorising the outside appearance from the previous introduction.

It was quite suspicious, one small black door with a loose doorknob and a brick wall with cracking paint around it. No signs, nothing, just a door and a label written in small font, saying 'AZURE'.

Their leader knocked on the door, but without receiving an answer, he simply pulled it open, slightly destructing the spherical metal door knob.

Instantly, the group of seven males were presented to pumping music, shaking the weak ground as they each stepped into the corridor, a scent of cigarettes filling their noses. The hallway was extremely narrow and the only source of light was the blue bulb that flashed every once in a while.

Minghao was precise, there was one man sitting on a plastic chair at the end of the hallway, his large build basically blocking the whole route. Although, he was deep asleep, his head hung down and his suited body rested comfortably onto the seat.

The shoes of the members pattered against the dirty floor - it was trashed with scattered bras, underwear and even condoms.

Dokyeom recorded everything in that narrow space through the tiny camera that hid in his earring. He made sure to record everything for Mingyu, who tracked the view from back at the base on his computer screen.

Jeonghan, who stood at the front of the line, sneaked past the sleeping man, walking his body through the clear plastic strip doors that revealed the three doors in such a small, semi-circle room.

It was a bit difficult for all the seven members to pass by without disturbing the sleeping man, but they were all able to make it through.

The eldest Choi signalled for each member to go to a specific room by nodding his head; Jeonghan and Seungcheol in charge of the door at the very left, Soonyoung and Jihoon to the door in the middle and Junhui, Dokyeom and Joshua in charge of the door on the very right.

The left door was assumed to be the club, miscellaneous colours bursting out through the edges of the closed wooden door and booming music. The middle door was the casino as the sound of tokens clinking spiked to the ears of the members. The right door led the three member upstairs, greeting them to the motel part of the building.

Jeonghan stepped into the club with his hands in his pockets and his tongue slightly sticking out naturally - Seungcheol following suit.

There were many people dancing and jumping, a stripper in the corner with the head lights focused on her and couples making out at the bar. Due to the many people and small space, it was hard to squeeze through in order to reach the bar counter.

The trail to the bar was interrupted as a short female dressed in only lingerie approached the Yoon. The two members assumed she was drunk as she wrapped her hands around Jeonghan and wiped her face onto his chest.

"Honey~" She sang. Jeonghan tried to push her away with his body strength, however, she couldn't be pushed because of the crowded space.

Taking his hands out of his pocket, he lightly shoved off her arms and directed for his leader to quickly move through.


Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.


𝗽𝗼𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗻. jeonghanTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang