chp. 39

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"I think I might just leave this world and go run into my mind." ZOMBIE POP, DPR IAN


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"Leave." His stern voice spiked through her skin.

She watched as the blonde male pushed Hyunsuk harshly, making him stumble on his feet. Then, the groups of men from behind began gathering around her roommate, dodging every attack from the opposing team. And all chaos began. "Leave." The male repeated. 

"I can't- I have to save someone. I have to save Jeonghan. I have to save the girl-"

"Young, leave." Jeonghan demanded, his tone still gentle and soft. The eyes of the said female drifted down to his bleeding figure, sighing as she watched him smirk even in that weak state.

"I have a promise to keep-"

"We'll take care of it." Another male from beside comforted her, resting his hands around her body before leading her down the stairs. 

All she had to do was trust these unknown men, hoping that Jeonghan could trust them in saving him. Her beat faster and faster, she was unsure about trusting them like.

While heading down the stairs, she turned back, facing her roommate. "Be gentle with her. Don't do anything weird." His familiar voice spoke out while conflict occurred around his kneeling figure that was surrounded by a pool of endless blood.

However, Hwayoung couldn't smile back, she was too concerned about him. The male from before encouraged her to move on, reassuring her about the Yoon's safety. He had short black hair that parted in the center, with features like a hamster. He lead Hwayoung to a van in which she paused her steps, sticking tight to the concrete ground.

"Don't worry. You can trust us. If not, I'll take the bus with you." His comforting voice convinced Hwayoung, knowing that these people have some sort of relation to Jeonghan. She didn't want to get kidnapped yet, she still hasn't made enough money for her parents. 

She stepped into the van, greeted by a familiar male who sat in the drivers seat. 

"Joshua?" The Song spoke in a questioning tone. 

The Hong smiled at her like an angel. "Hey, Hwayoung. You're not getting kidnapped, don't worry. Jeonghan would kill me if I did that." He joked.

It was not the situation to burst out laughing right now, Hwayoung remained confused. She sat beside the black-haired male in the back seat, fiddling with her fingers in uneasiness. Silence filled the van when they begun driving, but it was interrupted by a voice.

He inhaled, "Please, do not tell anyone about this. Everything that you saw and met. From the room to us. I can only explain to you this situation if I can trust you." 

Hwayoung paused for a few seconds before nodding with a slight smile.

"This is a gang. Who you're talking to right now is a gang member. No, we are not buff men with tattoos and many earrings, we're a gang that seeks revenge. Jeonghan, is also a member of this gang, his whole life at the university was for a mission- Including his playboy personality and basically everything he did. You cannot leak this information to anyone. Not even to a single soul. If you do, you will be receiving the consequences of betraying a gang."

"Soonyoung, be gentle." Joshua warned from the drivers seat.

"Sorry. But, I really don't know if I should be saying this so do not tell anyone." Hwayoung nodded obediently. "The men who you saw hurting Jeonghan, are members of the AZURE VIPs. A team that only hurts people-" A voice rang into his ear piece.

"We saved the girl." 

"They saved the girl." He smiled and the Song let out a sigh of relief, loosening her stiffened posture inside the car. "Thank you."

"For what?" Hwayoung asked in a soft and cracking tone.

"Saving Jeonghan, if it wasn't for you, we wouldn't have known that he was being attacked. Thank you." 

Sitting in the hacking room, eyes focused on the camera held inside the necklace. Mingyu received a notification from the tracking application informing him that Hwayoung is near the AZURE Club. A dangerous location. 

He quickly pressed through the cameras inside the key necklace, watching as the Song walked closer and closer to the door, from her point of perspective.

Immediately, he told the two other members sitting inside the room and called out for his leader. 

"Seungcheol. Hwayoung is near the club. She's going in." The Kim informed in a rush.

"Send the cars out. Now." The Choi ordered, running from the hacking room down to the underground garage where he swiftly slipped into a van. Then, they left off to see the reason why Hwayoung was going inside the club.

Once they reached the destination, Mingyu enlightened them on where she was going, a secret path that they had never heard of. He continued to watch through the necklace, squinting his eyes and furrowing his eyebrows on how she found that place.

The rest of the members followed his instructions, until they reached the stairs where they could hear the voice of Park Hyunsuk and Yoon Eunwoo.

"They must've found out about the gang." Minghao predicted in a mumble, paying close attention to Mingyu's screen. 

Now watching through Dokyeom's earring camera, they saw how injured the ace of their gang was, absolutely bloodied and barely conscious. It hurt them to see that but they knew Jeonghan was strong, he could hold it in until they save him.

 It hurt them to see that but they knew Jeonghan was strong, he could hold it in until they save him

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Hwayoungs necklace finally comes to use!??!?!?!

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