chp. 26

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"Party time!" Seungkwan cheered as he danced back into the beach house

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"Party time!" Seungkwan cheered as he danced back into the beach house. "Why is no one screaming along with me?"

"Because you made us hold your stupid groceries and drinks." Hansol deadpanned, his weight swaying from side to side due to the heavy plastic bags that he held.

He placed them onto the coffee table, in front of the couch before everyone gathered around it. Darkness surrounded the beach house through the glass walls but the large chandelier that hung over their grouped figures lightened it up.

"Drinking time~" Jihyun sang as she distributed a bottle of soju to each person while Hwayoung set out the packets and boxes of snacks that they impulsively bought.

"Cheers for our first night! Thank you Goeun's uncle!" Chan lifted up his drink into the centre, followed by everyone else except for Yerin who was a bit late. "I'll show you how much of a good drinker I am." He whispered to the female beside him.

"I'm ready to see your skills." Hwayoung smirked before taking a sip of the sweet alcohol.

An hour passed while they continued to play board and drinking games, Hwayoung noticed the missing presence of her roommate, along with his girl friend. It seemed that no one else in the group realised it, so she decided to check on them.

"I'll be going to the bathroom." The Song announced as her friends nodded in response. She stood up from the carpet rug and walked over to the bathroom.

As she passed by the girl's bedroom, she saw that the door was left ajar. Not being nosy, but not being too obvious, she slightly peeked into the room, glancing at the figurative subject. She internally gasped - it wasn't surprising but it was completely sudden.

Jeonghan and Yerin were making out on the lower bunk bed of the girl's bedroom. They seemed to be very into their kissing session. 

"Why is she so obsessed with me taking him when she's acting like that around him." The Song grumbled but her route to the bathroom was interrupted.

"Who are you talking about?" Chan, who spoke from behind, joked. 

"Oh shit- Nothing." She hid away her mumbles with a laugh. "What are you doing?"

"I just gotta charge my phone." The Lee replied.

Hwayoung nodded before dragging her feet to the main bathroom. She had never reacted when she saw Jeonghan and another girl make out, they weren't even dating in the first place, then why is she feeling that way? 

There was no way she was gaining feelings for him, no way. He was nothing like her type and she didn't plan on getting in Yerin's way of keeping him.


"Let's play a game. Whoever loses has to wake up an hour early and cook breakfast for us tomorrow!" Chan requested, taking a chip from the bag on the coffee table. Hwayoung returned from the bath room.

"Hm... Let's play the game where we each ask every person a question, if they don't answer, they drink! First person to take three shots loses." The Boo instructed, everyone nodded and fixed their seated positions.

"Where's Yerin and Jeonghan?" Jihyun inquired at out of the blue.

"Probably making out or something." The Lee cracked in a playful tone. His joke followed by laughters. 

"I guess they get a free skip." Goeun giggled, preparing everyones' shot glasses.

They decided to move clock-wise, the first player being Hwayoung. "Songhwa, out of all the guys, who would you date?" She took a shot.

Again it was her turn, "Songhwa, if Jeonghan kissed you, would you kiss him back?" She took a shot.

And lastly, "Songhwa, out of all the girls, who is one that you would unfriend for fun?" She took a shot.

"Hwayoung lost!" They all teased in sync, smiling and laughing at the embarrassed and disappointed female who already took three shots.

"Your cheeks are so pink." Chan commented, referring to the pink hue that covered the middle part of her face.

"Your face is so good-looking." The drunk female replied, cupping his cheeks into her hands and blocking out the chatters that came from their friends.

Jeonghan and Yerin walked back into the living room. The Yoon's eyes darted straight to the contacting bodies, boiling something in his system.


Hwayoung woke up early in the morning as her punishment for being the loser in the previous game. She wasn't that upset about making breakfast for her friends, though. She quickly washed up and headed to the kitchen.

She was dressed in a simply beige top and a pair of wide-leg black jeans. She tied her hair into a low bun and tucked the strands of her curtain bangs behind her ears.

The Song scanned the cabinets, scrolling through the ingredients before deciding what to make.

She resulted in baking pancakes, alongside toast and eggs. While preparing for the Westernised breakfast, she heard the foot steps grow louder and louder into the kitchen.

"Morning." Hwayoung greeted with a focused smile.

"Morning." Jeonghan replied blankly, taking a bottle of water from the fridge before taking a seat on the couch. He was still dressed in his pyjamas.

Hwayoung observed his appearance, the way his bed hair fell over his eyes, and how his eyes were still slightly resting. 

"Don't need to look at my handsome face like that."


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𝗽𝗼𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗻. jeonghanHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin