chp. 33

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"I don't got no time. Just burning daylight." BROKEN CLOCKS, SZA

Jeonghan was aware that the drug was getting to him, noticing how he furrowed his eyebrows in many directions and squeezed his eyes shut several times

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Jeonghan was aware that the drug was getting to him, noticing how he furrowed his eyebrows in many directions and squeezed his eyes shut several times.

"I'll tell you. I killed many." Another evil chuckle left his mouth. "I even killed my wife to win." He paused to laugh, it progressively growing louder and louder. "It was the motive to establishing this club, along with the people I consider my children. Jaehyun, you know, this isn't only a club- It's also a grave."

Jeonghan held his strong expression, only smiling as the elder spoke.

"If I could name them all, it would take me days, even months, even years." Eunwoo emphasised the 'even' as he spoke. "I killed people of all kind, from beautiful women to ugly and poor children." 

"Sir, you don't have a heart." Jeonghan provoked carefully, resting in his seat as a mirror reflection of the other in his special chair.

"I know I don't. It's too late to go back, I regretted it from the start. Once you start living like this, you can't stop." 

Once you start living like this, you can't stop. That quote held a significant impact on the younger Yoon, as if it was related to him and his revengeful crimes. 

"Even if I regret it, I plan on doing more. More until the day I die." 

"Can you guess how many seek revenge from your doings?"

Eunwoo's finger tapped on the table repetitively, as if he was counting. "I don't expect anyone to seek revenge from my doings. After all, I wasn't the one that committed anything."

"Then Sir, who killed them?" The Yoon inquired, fixing his shirt and hiding the recorder into a concealed position. 

"The people I consider children, of course. Money can curse people nowadays." Eunwoo pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket, a business card. He handed it over to Jeonghan, in which he accepted it. 

The Yoon stood up from his seat, feeling the numbness of his leg after playing seated for an hour. He bowed at the elder one, turning on his feet to collect his members. He picked up the suitcase beside him, fixed his costume before his steps were paused by the voice of Eunwoo.

"Did you pray to God that I didn't kill you even if I lost?"

"Young. Just because I did it for you doesn't mean you have to reject me like that. I'm fine." Jeonghan interrupted, picking himself up from the position.

Hwayoung thought back to the moment a few days ago, feeling the tingles of her roommates breath across hers. No. She shouldn't be feeling like this just because he recently broke up with his girl friend.

She sat in the empty apartment, sitting on her rolling chair with her notes on the desk. However, she couldn't focused.

The Song raised her hands to the layered necklaces that adorned her chest, drifting her finger pads over the silver jewellery. She traced the shape of the key necklace with her finger, the one that Jeonghan gifted her. It was much heavier than the lock one her grandmother gave her, but she didn't mind it knowing that it matched perfectly.

It was already evening, nearing the night and her roommate still wasn't home. What was she expecting?

"Shit. I can't focus." She scolded herself in a mumble, referring to the sheets of paper that craved her educative attention. 

The only subject in her mind was her roommate. His face, his voice and just him. 

Soon, her thoughts were interrupted by the door unlocking. She felt an excited rush of hope spike her heart, but she stayed put in her position.

"Young?" The familiar voice that she wished for called out her name.

"Yes?" She replied almost immediately, sliding out of the chair and exiting her room, into the living room where she met a standing figure.

"Have you ate yet?" The Yoon questioned and she nodded in response. How sweet, he always ask if she has eaten or not, no matter the time. "Young."

"Yes?" She smiled at him, curious at what he wanted to say. 

"Me or Chan?" As if an impulsive question jumped out of him, he knew he wasn't supposed to ask that but he wanted to anything, not wanting to be left unanswered.

Weirdly enough, Hwayoung paused, lowering her eyes to the ground. The question was definitely unexpected and she was hesitant to answer. She looked back up, locking direct eye contact with the taller male that stared at her as if he wasn't joking.

The Song attempted to laugh it off, "In what way? That was random." Although, Jeonghan's stare remained stern and examining. 

"Who do you love more?" 

"I love you both equally." She smiled awkwardly, fiddling with her fingers behind her body as her orbs raked over the taller male. 

"You love us both?" He raised an eyebrow, making Hwayoung suddenly think of something to say.

"As in friends." The Song defended, a bright smile plastered on her lips again as she straightened her standing posture.

"So you love me as a friend?"

"No, not really." 

"Then, why did you say that."

"Because, I don't know what else to say." A chuckle left from the male's mouth, Hwayoung watched as he laughed, his eyes creasing before he shortened the distance between the two. "That was random. What for?"

"Because, I wanted to know. If you love me back." He winked flirtatiously before walking pass her and entering the bathroom.

I'm going to blush for them istg also can anyone recommend some good Jeonghan books thanks 😋

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I'm going to blush for them istg also can anyone recommend some good Jeonghan books thanks 😋

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