chp. 07

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UNIT 1004

Waking up early to do some pre-studying before her class in the afternoon, she stretched in her rolling chair

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Waking up early to do some pre-studying before her class in the afternoon, she stretched in her rolling chair.

The Song was wearing an oversized gray sweater along with a pair of beige pants. Her black hair tucked behind her ears as she leaned over the array of many notebooks and one opened book that was full of writing and highlights. 

However, her studies were soon interrupted by the sound of the front door clicking - meaning it got unlocked.

As a female resident living by herself in a new area, she instantly jolted up. Hopping out of her seat, through the wooden frames of her bedroom and into the front entrance of the apartment she met eyes with an unfamiliar man.

Her eyes were wide open, her heart beating uncontrollably fast at this unrecognisable male.

He had black hair that was separated in the middle of his forehead, a bit over grown at the nape of his neck. An eye-catching and prominent cupids bow at the top of his lips, he locked eye contact with Hwayoung. 

Breaking Hwayoung from her sudden sense of anxiety, he smiled at her - like a gentleman. 

"Hey there, I'm Hong Jisoo- but you can call me Joshua. I'm just helping my friend move in." He introduced politely, his voice was soothing and calming like an angel. 

The Song paused for a few seconds as she watched the male carry in luggages over his supposed 'friend'. "Hello. I'm Song Hwayoung." She greeted, her voice in a distracted tone. "Uh, where's... your friend?"

"Oh he's coming up. He'll be here soon." Joshua informed, the same smile etched onto his gentle face. "Which room is unoccupied?" He inquired.

"This one." Hwayoung responded almost immediately, pointing towards the empty room that was across her own bedroom.

As she observed the courteous male move in a variety of belongings, another youthful male came up at the door, inviting himself in.

At the sound of his socks sliding against the light wooden floor, the Song whipped her head around, making eye-contact with an attractive male.

He had a small, pale face. His black hair that curled lightly near the end falling almost perfectly onto his forehead. His lips slightly thin but with a tint of pink. He held a non-chalant expression on his face as he walked in. 

Noticing that his friend wouldn't introduce himself, he did it on behalf of him. "This is Yoon Jeonghan, your roommate."

"Hello. I'm Song Hwayoung." She repeated, smiling awkwardly at the male who raised a lop-sided smile onto his lips, grinning flirtatiously. 

"Jeonghan. We couldn't get a dorm at the university for you- but we got a nearby apartment that you can just walk to school. Which unit would you like?" Seungcheol, the leader of the gang asked, stacking the folders and stapled papers together on the desk.

The three members were currently in the leaders' office, two of them standing upright while the eldest one sat at the desk, facing his computer screen.


"See! I told you he would want that one!" Kwon Soonyoung, another member of 17 interrupted, joyful at the fact that his guess was correct. 

"Soonyoung, get me the phone." The Choi ordered. 

Hurriedly, the mentioned male went to grab the object outside of their leader's office. After a few seconds, he came back with the object in his hand and a box of some unknown items. 

Handing over the components to his leader, "This is a burner phone that you'll use to contact us. We have already added our contacts named with our initials in case. And this box, make sure to hide it in your room carefully; it includes all your weapons in case of emergency." 

Taking the items into his hands, Jeonghan raked his eyes over the objects, nodding to the information that was provided by his leader.

"If anything happens, you must contact us first. We will send members like Joshua down frequently that you can cover as a friend."

The Yoon simply nodded, signalling that he understood the instructions that were given to him. Turning around and trailing to the exit of the office, he halted his steps at another few words.

"Jeonghan. This is a mission that will take a long time. You have an important role. Don't go killing people for fun." Seungcheol warned in a stern tone as the mentioned male turned around and locked eye contact with the seated male.

Jeonghan inhaled as he nodded again, finally walking out the room with his hands busy and sticking his tongue slightly out as a habit.

He strolled back to his room, turning on the lights and closing the door behind him. He set the solid plastic box on the top surface of his drawer, holding the burner phone in his other hand as he took a seat onto his bed. His body somewhat sinking into the comforts of his sheets, he spread his legs and rested his elbows onto them, viewing the old mobile.

Pressing on the button at the bottom of the phone, he entered the passcode which was, of course - 1004.  He swiped through the contents of the device and scrolled through the contacts with his calloused fingers, reading the ten different sets initials arranged as his members. 

He rubbed his right hand at the nape of his neck, rolling his head around as a form of stretching.

Tomorrow was going to be big day for him, a mission that required him and his skills.

Tomorrow was going to be big day for him, a mission that required him and his skills

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1004 🤗🤗

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