chp. 11

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It had now been over a week after the two roommates moving in

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It had now been over a week after the two roommates moving in. They considerably got closer, but not by much of a difference. 

Hwayoung got closer to Jihyun, Goeun, Seungkwan and even Hansol. Usually talking to them online through her phone, through shifts or during class time. To her, it seemed simply easy to move in and get used to the transforming routines. Her friends definitely were a big help in welcoming her, all their extroverted personalities contrasted flawlessly with her introverted personality. Some times, her and her friends would go out together - usually when Jeonghan wasn't home.

On the other hand, every night, the Song kept on seeing unfamiliar females at her apartment, noticing the difference between their voices as she hid in her room.

The girl from the restaurant encounter must have not been his girl friend - he was hanging out with so many others. Like a basic playboy from high school. 

Coming home to singular unknown females, snuggling with her roommate when returning from class was not ideally the most fitting option - but she had to mind her own business, considering the fact that Jeonghan was the one that offered for purchasing all the furniture in their apartment. 

Jeonghan's daily routine was basically the same every day; wake up, class, girls, girls, girls, sleep and repeat. 

Hwayoung took a bit of attentiveness to Jeonghan during the first few days, but after seeing different girls coming in and out of the place, all that interest was lost. 

"I get that he's attractive. But doesn't he think that this is bothering me?" The Song complained to Hansol, stabbing her pen deeply into her paper - like a criminal who seeks for revenge stabbing into the target.

"Maybe it's just his interests? He was probably used to hanging out with girls since High school." The Choi tried to comfort, shrugging as he said so in case the advice was incorrect.

"No. He flirts with the girls and makes out with him in front my room. Not the type of guys that hang out with girls to become feminine. I swear the only guys I saw him talk to is Joshua and that... Lee Chan guy." She ranted. Hwayoung is an introvert, but once you start talking to her - she can't shut up.

"Why don't we go out with the others? It seems like a good way to relieve your roommate stress." Hansol suggested, turning over to the talkative female. 

"That's a good idea." The Song upturned her lips. "I don't have work today either!" She brightened up. 


R u guys free tonight
I wanna escape my roomie

pakpak jihyun
Who even is this roomie of urs

boooo sk
Some hot guy that gets all the girls

Im so bored i hate school
Lets meet at seungkwans house

boooo sk
Fine whatever

Why is the chat name still that

The group of five all gathered at the Boo's house. He lived with his parents along with his younger sister.

"Have a fun time!" Seungkwan's mother reminded as the five of them exited the house. They each turned around, bowing as they waved.

"Wait, how are we gonna get there?"

"Car, duh." Seungkwan deadpanned at his friend's stupid questioned. However, Hwayoung genuinely didn't know their source of transport. This would be the second time she rode a car since moving in - the first being the time where Jeonghan dropped her off.

Seungkwan lead the group to his car, parked outside the car. The Song didn't expect that it was his car.

"Shotgun!" Goeun squawked, skipping to the front passenger seat and holding the handle securely to ensure that no one takes her spot. 

The Boo sat in the front drivers seat, of course. Hansol sat on the back left seat, Jihyun in the middle and Hwayoung on the other side. It was quite a tight ride considering how small the driver's car was. But the vehicle was filled with singing and laughing - much more energetic than Hwayoung's previous ride. 

"Wait, where are we going again?" Hansol questioned, his eyebrows furrowing at the second thought of it.

"Eating and then karaoking!" Jihyun cheerfully responded. 

"Don't we have work early in the morning, though?"

"Oh, whatever! It's good to have some fun. And it's a Friday!" She exclaimed in a joyous tone.

The group arrived at the modern-styled restaurant, entering one by one through the single door that chimed every time a customer came in. Rows and columns of tables with busy waiters walking from customer to customer. The place was pretty packed.

"Table for five?" A waiter asked, dressed in casual clothes covered by a bright red apron. 

They were then lead to their seats, sitting around the rectangular table on cushion seats. Three of them on one side while the other two sat on the other. They dragged their eyes over the menus, talking as they planned what to eat. Orderly, the food arrived - they decided to share three dishes and a drink each.

"Let's drink!" Goeun yelled over the clattery conversations from other tables, raising her bottle of soju to the centre and standing up.

Almost instantly, everyone, including Hwayoung stood up as their frozen bottles clinked together, a laughter bursting out as they drank. The Song was able to relieve all her stress about moving in and studying - Like a normal student, she hung out and drank with all her friends. 

"Toast for the annoying roommate of Hwayoungs!" 

Just as Seungkwan stood up for another cheers, a familiar male and two other people walked into the restaurant, catching the attention of the Song.

Just as Seungkwan stood up for another cheers, a familiar male and two other people walked into the restaurant, catching the attention of the Song

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Any guesses for the second male lead!??!?!

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