what family business?

"hes a bit of a hot head though if you ask me that guy needs to learn some patience then the best brother me the third oldest i claim the role as the funniest in the family but don't tell the others i said that tho" a grin spreading across my face " the dumb one javon hes always doing stupid shit i mean we are always doing stupid shit together but yeah hes still the dumb one"

me and Xander broke out laughing

"finally the twins the closet in age to you Jaiden and kaiden both 17 and polar opposites jaiden doesn't really talk much he keeps to himself most of the time and geez is he a trouble maker in school however Kaiden is the kindest boy you will ever meet and has been the most excited to meet you

"so yeah thats our fucked up family"

"i like your necklace" xander said

"thanks "i said a  faint smile covering my lips

"10 mins and we are finally home"he let out an exaggerated sigh

ahhhh i'm finally gonna meet everybody i'm so nervous what if they don't like me what if they think im weird they cant find out about my anxiety and panic disorder they will think i'm a weirdo who they will get rid of what if-

"hey are you ok" xander asked concern taking over his face "your hands are shaking"

quickly tucking my hands into my pockets

"yeah toats fine just cold" i lied

"ok"he said still not convinced

"anyway we are here "

pulling into the driveway of a fucking huge house

"your guys are fucking loaded like rich rich like WTF" i said in awe

he started laughing "i though you would of guessed from my car"

i'm getting really nervous now i grabbed my bag from the backseat and started trailing behind Xander he must of noticed my nerves because he offered out his hand and i hesitantly took it.

"dont worry i'm right here"he said reassuringly

i nodded as he opened the huge doors revealing a huge entrance hallway to grand stairwells on either side everything tiled with marble.

"we are here" xander called out and at that moment i could a whole lot of heavy footsteps running down the stairs making squeeze onto xanders hand tighter and taking a step closer to him

before i knew it 4 brothers stood in front of me

the first one tackling me into a hug making me let go of xanders hand

"hiiii" the blonde haired boy said im kaiden 

if i was not for the blond hair you could clearly see the resemblance  but he looked the most like my mum a spitting image basically

"and this is damion" i looked to where my brother was pointing

thats sounds weird MY BROTHER ahhh

i look up to see a a guy with really like really dark hair and he is very tall to be honest he gave me a little glare  before walking off

ok then

"that over there is Javon "whats with it with everyone being so tall im like a midget compared to everyone else.

javon had really light brown hair and light brown eyes that havent left mine the moment i got here he also came up to me giving me a hug but felt awkward as fuck and whispered into my ear "i can tell your trouble maker" he grinned pulling away

takes one to know one" i said sarcastically

Javon letting out a little giggle before stepping aside

"last and definitely least is my dear twin jaiden"

who i didn't notice was now on the sofa and definitely didn't notice we moved to a whole new room


he looked up from his phone giving me a grin and wave before moving seats to next to javon i think

"ok yeah thats all of us and of course you have already met xander" spoke kaiden

"duhh dickhead"  javon said

looking at all of them now you could clearly tell we are all siblings

"language " a voice called out but before i could figure out whos voice it was a tall man descended down the stairs like he was some god

and i know i described all my brothers as tall but this guy was on a whole other level i know i said all my brothers looked a bit like he was my fucking twin in a older male version i was confused to why he was wearing a suit tho it was like two in the morning but before i could analyze anything else his voiced beamed making my attention snap back to him who was now right on front of me looking deadly in my eyes never breaking eye contact once

safe to say i was a little bit intimidated but fuck was i letting him know that

"i am Giovanne your eldest brother and your legal guardian we have ALL been very excited for your arrival" quickly turning around to look a damion who looked like he coudn't care less

"cool" i spoke earning snickers from the others

"i understand you must be very tired so xander will show you to your room" gio's voice beamed authority so i nodded and started following xander

"come on lil sis lets go"

i think i sprained my wrist its hurts so bad right now but i we will manage

anyway what do you think of the brothers

you will get to know them a better in the next few chapters


lost loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें