“I’m well-acquainted with these woods and the mountains and aware of our intended location. I put my confidence in you, Dante. So I wasn’t worried about being blind. I figured you would keep me from smashing into anything.”

He freed me, gazed at me affectionately, and ran his fingers through my hair. He smiled, and without a word, clutched my hand and pulled me toward one of the many secluded locations I have on the territory. I concealed myself in multiple spots when I was stalked and terrorized.

“How did you track down my hideout?”

“Yours, huh? I’ve been returning here, expecting to find you. On the first night that my family arrived, I discovered this den. The following day at school, I could smell your scent and it all made sense. I’ve been drawn to you since then. Is it alright if I bring items to add to your vast collection of odds and ends? I must confess I already have brought a few things. If they aren’t to your liking, I can take them back with us when we leave.”

“I don’t mind at all. You’ve spent more time here in one week than I’ve been able to in over a month.”

He smiled, brought out a lighter, and lit the wicks of candles I have placed throughout the cavern. None of the others in the pack has previously located me by scenting me. So I’m baffled by his declaration.

“Prior to you inquiring, since I’m aware you will do so. My family’s bloodline is ancient. One of the first families bred with human/lupine abilities. Our lupine powers are more prominent. Others may not detect you, but I can do so with no hassles. Damn, please forget I said any of that. My parents will have my ass if that information comes out.”

“I have never heard about an ancient race of werewolves. Also, I don’t have anyone to tell. Not that I would anyway. You can put your trust in me, Dante.”

He embraces me and takes a step back to examine me.

“I know. That’s one thing I adore about you. Now, sit on this blanket. I meant what I said when I told you I would help you connect with your wolf.”

“This is not the moment or the location. If I were to shift, all of our belongings would burn to dust.”

Knitting my brows, I pondered the consequences of shifting. A wolf’s first shift could be deadly. Dante and I are deep in the woods, far from the pack hospital.

“I can see the wheels spinning inside your head through your eyes. If anything were to happen, I could bring you to the infirmary in an instant. Trust me, Annalise. I would let no harm come to you.”


“Please, Annalise. Allow me to assist you with this. We may accomplish nothing tonight, but you need to try. Don’t be frightened,” Dante said while lending me his hand.


“Her name is Larissa, and she is gorgeous. Her beauty captivated my wolf, Titan. Can you not sense her? I have never seen a wolf so breathtaking. Selene has blessed you, Annalise.”

“No. All I detect is darkness. This happens any time I enter meditation or hypnosis to link with her. However, we are making progress if you can recognize her. I’m perplexed why she won’t bond with me. What else could I do?”

“Perhaps you could sleep on it. The answers could slip their way into your subconscious. We must leave. I want to avoid getting you home past curfew.”

Dante broke my trance, and we skipped around, extinguishing candles.

“I’m going to shift, so I can return quicker than if we were to walk. Keep this for me and wait for me outside.”

He gave me his phone and a backpack and I ventured outside. I’m disheartened Dante could interact with my wolf, but still left me unaware of her. What else will I need to do? At least now, I know I have a wolf. Not even the elders have been able to sense or contact her. Larissa is such a beautiful name.

Moments later, the biggest wolf I’ve ever seen came bounding over. His fur was black as twilight, yet its tail and paws were white. A sapphire crescent moon shines between its luminous green orbs. Most wolves have gold eyes. Titan is privileged to have Dante’s memorizing emerald eyes. He makes me get so weak in the knees. I can’t help but nibble my bottom lip as my panties grow damp. Damn these teenage hormones of mine.

“Titan?” I question as I reach up to scratch behind his ears.

Titan whimpers and nuzzles my cheek with his cold nose. Dante’s garments drop from Titan’s lips, and I become hysterical when he kisses my face.

“Titan, stop! You’re going to make us late.” I giggle while backing away to escape him.

I collected Dante’s clothing from the ground, folded them, and stuffed them into the backpack Dante provided for me.

Titan crouched down so I could swing myself on top of him. I gripped his fur in my hands and once he knew I was secure; he bolted through the forest at lightning speed. To keep myself from getting vertigo, I held onto him and shut my eyes. I hope his shifting helps. I would hate to get reprimanded for arriving past curfew.

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