85. "I Crave Your Attention : Moonlight"

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Taehyung settled into his car, the quiet ambiance of the parking enveloping him as he opened his laptop. The soft glow illuminated his focused expression, the rhythmic tapping of keys echoing in the confined space. As he delved into his work, a subtle unease crept in – a feeling of being watched.

Time and again, Taehyung cast glances around the quiet parking lot, suspecting curious eyes lingering on him. Each time he looked, though, the surroundings remained undisturbed. The mysterious sensation persisted, heightening the quiet tension in the air.

Focused on his laptop, he couldn't shake the feeling of unseen eyes. The occasional flicker of nearby shadows played tricks on his perception, intensifying the sense of an elusive observer. Despite his efforts to dismiss it, a lingering suspicion persisted, leaving Taehyung working in an atmosphere tinged with an unexplainable presence.

It was the time when y/n would be done with her interview.
Taehyung's heart sank as he observed the mix of emotions among the students emerging from the hall – joy, tears, and uncertainty painted across their faces. His eyes fixed on Y/N, her somber expression mirrored by Yeonjun beside her.

With a deep breath to compose himself, Taehyung approached, determined to offer comfort. As he neared, he exchanged a glance with Yeonjun, whose subtle shake of the head signaled an unexpected outcome. Bracing for disappointment, Taehyung knelt before Y/N, gently lifting her chin to meet his gaze.

However, to his delightful surprise, Y/N's face lit up with a beautiful smile. She giggled, saying, "I got selected! I'll receive my offer letter after my results." The weight lifted from Taehyung's shoulders, replaced by pride and joy for his accomplished wife.

Laughter echoed in relief as Yeonjun joined in, announcing, "Me too." Taehyung enveloped Y/N in a warm embrace, admitting, "You scared me." Pulling back, he smiled, extending his congratulations, "Congratulations to both of you." The shared triumph and joy in that moment bonded the trio in the embrace of success.

After Yeonjun's father-in-law picked him up, Taehyung carried his jubilant wife to the parking lot, her laughter filling the air. Gently placing her on the car's bonnet, he stood before her.

"I am so happy," she beamed, meeting his tender gaze. Their eyes spoke volumes, exchanging a shared moment of joy, and a beautiful smile adorned both their faces.

Suddenly, Y/N coughed loudly, prompting Taehyung's concern. As he searched for water and found none, he gently rubbed her back, asking, "Should I bring water?" With a nod from Y/N, indicating her dry throat, he left her there momentarily, swiftly making his way to the cafeteria.

Returning with water, Taehyung handed it to Y/N, ensuring she could quench her thirst. With a contented smile, he then escorted his happy wife home, their shared triumph casting a glow on the journey ahead.

Gently carrying her into their home, Taehyung made it his mission to shower Y/N with a feast of comforting and delicious food, a gesture to alleviate the stress she had endured.

After tenderly putting her to sleep, he carefully tended to her injured ankle. The once-bruised area now displayed shades of blue, a testament to the pain she bore.

As he cleaned and rebandaged the wound, a sense of relief settled on her sleeping face. Taehyung couldn't help but smile, expressing his affection through gentle kisses on her cheeks, forehead, and lips, his hand patting her head with a soothing touch.

Mr. Stone Head / Kim Taehyung ffWhere stories live. Discover now