Chapter 32: Big Fatty Blobby

Start from the beginning

I was being completely unreasonable. He wanted to see his friends. That was a valid reason. Who was I to deprive him of spending time with his friends. I didn't want to be that type of girlfriend, who kept her man on a tight leash. Only letting him do what she wants him to do. No. I wasn't that girl.

"Ok, well have a nice evening"

"Thanks Cupcake. You too" then I heard something that chilled me to the bone.

"Come on Tommie- we don't want to be late" a girls voice giggled.

He chuckled lightly, probably thinking I couldn't hear.

"Ok, Cupcake. I gotta go now, bye"

"Bye" I said, but it was too late; he'd already hung up.

Who was that voice? Maybe it was just one of his friends girlfriends... Yeah, that was it. I have nothing to worry about.

I stood up, tucking my phone into the back pocket of my skinny jeans and jogged downstairs to see my Dad.

"Hey Dad" I smiled, taking a seat next to him on the couch.

"Hey Jess, you ok?" He returned a smile.

"Yes thanks. I was wondering do you want to go out for a couple of hours?"

"Where to?" He said, putting down the newspaper he was reading.

"I don't mind. Maybe the cinema? We could watch a film. Theres a couple I've been wanting to see..."

"Sure, as long as its not a rom-com or some sappy love story" he rolled his eyes.

"Nope, we don't have to"

"Ok, let me just get changed and then we'll go" he stood up, ruffled my hair and then went to get changed.

When we arrived at the cinema, we stood in the queue, waiting behind a bit fat woman who seemed to be ordering every single food item on the menu. I found myself tapping my foot impatiently at this woman, earning a chuckle from my Dad.

Eventually, we got to the desk and we were there for about 1/20th of the time, 'Big Fatty Blobby'- the nickname I had given to the fat woman- was there.

As we walked off, the woman was still hobbling to the lift.

"Isn't it funny how some people can take half an hour to order something, and then others about thirty seconds?" I said to my Dad in a snappy tone as we walked passed big Fatty Blobby. She gave me a glare but it sort of disappeared within the thousands of chins she was harbouring inbetween her chest and neck. I scoffed and continued to walk to the screen where 'Spy' with Melissa McCarthy was due to play.

We found our seats and watched as the new movie trailers played. Sitting back, we relaxed and dug into the popcorn we'd bought; fortunately Big Fatty Blobby hadn't eaten it all.

A couple of hours later when the film had finished, we made our way out and into the foyer.

"That. Was. Awesome!" I squealed. "When she fell of the scooter, bike thing was hilarious!"

"I know and Jason Statham was good too" my Dad chuckled.

We chatted about the movie all the way home. I hadn't seen my Dad this happy in a long while.

"I'm glad we did this Dad" I said as we entered the house.

"Me too. I'm glad you asked me" he smiled.

"We haven't done this in ages" I smiled sadly. "I miss this"

"Me too Jess. Me too" he pulled me into a hug which I gladly returned. "I'm sorry me and your mother haven't been around much recently I promise we'll be around more" I nodded.

"I understand Dad. I'm just glad you're back" I smiled into his chest. "I'm glad you're ok"

"Me too Jess, and your Mom will be too"

"I love you Dad" I whispered.

"I love you too Jess. Now I say we go out for dinner tomorrow, have a good catch up"

"I'd like that Dad"

Then I thought of the saying from Grease that Frenchy said.

'The only man a girl can depend on is her daddy'

And it was true. Once again, I can depend on my Dad again...


A/N Hiya guys! 🚨Please read this!!🚨

So last chapter the votes got slightly better, but still not great.
I'll make a deal with you, until I get at least 5 votes and 1 comment, I will NOT update!! Repeat NOT update. I don't want to do that, because I'm really enjoying writing the story. It's up to you how long it takes for me to update, depends on how long it takes for you to complete my goal.

But please do, because not only will you be annoyed or upset, I will be too.

Anyway the next few chapters are going to be jam packed full of exciting things, so my advice is to get voting and commenting. Btw if you see the goal has been completed, don't think you haven't got to vote. I really appreciate every single one I receive. If I get more than the goal I might even do a double update.

So please please tap that pretty little star and make my wishes come true.

Thanks, I hope to write for you soon.

Love to you all ❤️❤️❤️

B- Xx

Its A Kind Of Magic (Previously 'Deciding')Where stories live. Discover now