A second sigh escaped her as she descended to the floor, her body leaning against the cool wall. Hazel's silhouette, bathed in the sunlight, showed the change she was forced to adapt to in just a couple of months. Her biggest worry used to be making sure Rachel wouldn't eat too much sugar before riding a far too expensive carnival ride, now they barely spoke. Hazel looked up at the sun through the window, which once would have hurt her just made her eyes glow gold.

May 13, 2019
Titan's Tower Day Forty Eight

HAZEL TURNED IN HER SLEEP, HER SHALLOW BREATHS ECHOING THROUGH THE ROOM. Hazel's hands that clutched the sheets left imprints in the pressed fabric. Her body contorted, the blankets moving against her skin. The sensation of her skin crawling seemed almost audible, unease echoing in the silence of the room.

As her fingers fisted the sheets, Hazel's knuckles changed colour, veins standing out in stark relief against her skin. The room, usually an escape from the insane regime, felt like it was closing in on her, each breath she took seeming to grow quicker and quicker.

Flashes of vivid imagery assaulted her mind-a relentless reel of blood and bodies. Darkness spreading in her mind, shadow hands reaching for her body, pulling her beneath a river of blood. The scenes played out like fragments of an old movie. The pain she felt as her life slipped away months ago seemed to meld its way back into her bones, slipping into her dreams and turning them into nightmares. She could feel the air leaving her lungs and every piece of fibre of her blanket rubbing against her skin like sandpaper.

The bloody bodies and flashes in her mind ceased in an instant then Dick's looming figure stood over her, his eyes endless black, veins running down his cheeks and twisting into his demonic smile. "Don't cry Hazel," His voice was crackling, echoing through her mind. "Don't you want to die?"

Hazel shot up with a violent jolt. Her hands trembling, as she rested on her palms. Each heartbeat echoed like a drumbeat in the silence, the growing anxiety twisting her stomach into knots as each thump echoed in her. Hazel's breaths were sharp and uneven, the air around her cold causing the hairs on the back of her neck to stand. Hazel took a deep breath, trying to steady her hands as she ran them through her hair.

Once her shakes had settled to shivers, Hazel reached for her phone. The light was bright, making her squint slightly as she turned it on, but she ignored it and scrolled through the messages.

She clicked on Jason's name, debating with herself for a moment. Recently everything she had tried couldn't settle her nightmares. One night she had fallen asleep in Jason's room after watching a movie and the nightmares came and she woke up with a scream. Jason didn't even think before wrapping his arms around her and coaxing her through the aftermath.

Ever since, when the nightmares had violently woken her, she would go to Jason's room and spend the night with him.

New Messages | May 13

Haze Maze

4:26 am Hey


4: 26 am Doors unlocked

Hazel clicked her phone off, wrapped herself in her blanket and quietly made her way to his room, which thankfully was next to hers. She didn't bother to knock and pushed the door open. Jason was sprawled out on his bed, mindlessly scrolling through his phone. A pile of clothes had been pushed off the bed, making room for Hazel. Once Jason saw her, he clicked his phone off and tossed it away.

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