Chapter 38

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A few days later Sandy sat down with Diana and explained the situation, they were very lucky Diana was lucid and completely understood what was going on. Not even having to think long she agreed for the sake of her son.

Diana had gone to the hospital so they could adjust her medication once more before she went into full time care. JJ and Spencer stayed at his place to begin packing, "okay Spence sort out the clothes you want to keep and the stuff you want to donate." JJ ordered opening the closet door.

"Why am I packing now? We have time left." Spencer sighed pulling a sweater vest out of the closet and throwing it into the keep pile.

JJ let out a soft smile as she affectionately rubbed his arm. "Christmas is right around the corner, then exams, then you're gone... And besides I've cried so much the last two days I don't think I have any tears left right now." Right as she finished her eyes watered up again. "Shit!" She hissed before laughing and cuddling up into her boyfriends waiting arms.

"Why don't you come move out with me?" Spencer suggested stroking her hair.

He felt JJ shake her head against his chest. "I have school, and where would I live?"

"With me, they're buying me an apartment instead of a dorm." Spencer replied. "It's one bedroom, and it looks nicer then this place from the pictures I've seen... It's also down the street from a pretty nice high school."

"I fell in love with a genius." JJ smiled looking up at Spencer. "I think you should learn how to do this on your own. I'll come and visit whenever I can though."

Spencer lifted a hand to rest on her cheek while his other hand snaked around her waist before gently lowering her onto the bed next to him. He kissed her softly on the lips before doing it again but this time harder, soon he was begging for entrance with his tongue which JJ eagerly allowed. She started playing with the button on his pants when Spencer hesitantly pulled away with a crimson red blush on his face.

"What's wrong Spence?" JJ panted.

"I-I uh... I may have um..." He started to stutter.

JJ gave him an awkward look before asking; "You didn't... You know... Already did you?" She whispered not that anyone could hear them but it made things slightly less awkward.

"What? No!" Spencer defended. "I-I think I packed up the condoms when we were sorting out the bathroom." He blushed.

JJ looked him dead in the eye before bursting out laughing, she wrapped her arms around his waist and flipped them over so she was on top. "Well I guess you're out of luck then Spencer." JJ jokingly sighed. "You're outta luck until I come and visit you in LA." Spencer groaned in frustration dropping himself completely onto the mattress under him.

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