Chapter 3

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Lunch had finally rolled around after a long morning of classes the group met in the cafeteria at their usual table.

"These senior classes are going to be the death of me!" Whined Penelope she was resting her head on Derek's shoulder as he fed her lunch.

"Relax baby girl we just started today it'll get easier."

"If they're so hard today on the first day how could you possibly think they will get easier?"

Spencer and Aaron arrived next carrying their lunch tray and an extra one for JJ.

"Hey pretty boy how were your classes?" Derek asked. But Reid wasn't paying much attention, Penelope, Aaron and Derek followed his eyes across the cafeteria to find Lila Archer standing at the condiment station but she wasn't alone JJ was standing with her, talking.

"Why is JJ talking to Lila?" Spencer grumbled and began moving his Mac and cheese around the plate.

"Well peaches doesn't look ready to rip her eyes out so that must be a good sign." Smiled the colourful blonde. "Maybe they are talking about you?"

"Why me? I'm not that important."

"Common man," Derek smacked his back. "Lila's your ex and JJ is your best friend, you have the most popular girls in school attached to you and if you've forgotten they are kinda friends."


"Shut up JJ's on her way back." Hissed Garcia.

JJ made it to the table and everyone was focused on their food, not making eye contact or talking.

"Did someone die?" JJ asked, she reached across the table to Spencer to flick his hand. "Earth to Spence? Someone home?" When he didn't move JJ took the apple off his tray and switched it with her orange, then took the pack of Hersey kisses.

"So JJ?" Aaron began even with the glares he received. "Why were you and Lila talking?"

"Really that's why you guys are like this? She was asking about soccer tryouts apparently she can play."

"You're gonna let her?" Pen asked.

"I can't not let her, as captain I have to be fair and pick the best players."

"You made captain and you didn't tell me?!" Reid shot out of his seat and around the table to hug his best friend. "Let's celebrate?"

"Oh Pen and I are going to hot yoga after school come with us and we can get yogurt after-" the rest of her sentence trailed off, across the room two people had entered the cafeteria one was a guy dressed in tight jeans and a loose shirt with brown hair. A girl was next to him with short black hair, heavy makeup and was dressed head to toe in black clothing. "Does anyone know who they are?"

"The queen of all knowing and gossip does!" Garcia smiled. "They are Emily Prentiss and William Lamontange Jr. Step sibling, they just moved here from Washington and they lived in New Orleans before that."

"William Lamontange... I like that it sounds nice, Will Lamontange."

Spencer started turning a little red. "So uh celebrating?"

"Oh right okay, hot yoga then yogurt after school?"

"I told Gillian I'd pick her up after violin class..."

"We can do something after a movie or what ever."

"Sure sounds-"

"Williaaam LaMonntange juniorr"


Derek let out the laugh he was holding in earning a slap from Penelope. "Are you just going to keep saying his name in different ways?"

"Yeah" JJ sighed turning back to look at Will.


JJ and Reid were sitting in the stools in the science classroom copying the notes off the board when the door swung open behind it was the last person Spencer had wanted to see.

"Hi, I'm transferring in." Will spoke to the teacher.

"Alright sir have a seat next to Miss. Jareau." Mr. Remleck instructed.

He moved to the far side of the class and pulled the seat up next to JJ, a little too close in Spencer's opinion.

"Hi, I'm Will."

"JJ" she smiled playing with the ends of her hair.

"Spencer..." He gave a short awkward wave.

"Right... So JJ do you have a boyfriend?"

"Well isn't that bold?"

"I'm just flirtin' " a soft smile and light blush fell across JJ's face.

"Mr. Remleck!" Spencer's hand shot up. "Can you repeat that I have too many distractions!"


Gillian waited on the steps of the music school, it was quarter past five and no one had come to pick her up yet, she pulled out her violin and began playing.

"I'm so sorry I'm late Gill." Spence ran up to the top of the stairs. "Something...something came up..."

"It's no problem you're only fifteen minutes late it's not a huge deal, let's go I'm starving!"

"Sure I think your mom made pork chops and salads."

"Yes! So... Did you ask JJ out? Is that why you're late?"

"No she met this guy today."

"You'll get her next time! Hold my violin Spencey?"


Penelope and JJ were setting up their mats for yoga, the room was a wooden sauna and the heat was already blasting through. JJ had just shed her shirt to continue in her sports bra.

"Well I came for yoga but I guess I like the show too." A familiar southern drawl spoke.

"Will hi!" JJ squeaked. "This is Penelope Garcia."

Will leaned over to shake her hand. "Pleasure to meet you."

"No no the pleasure is all mine."

Will let out a soft laugh. "I'm just going to set up."

During the class the girls didn't get much stretching done instead they spent it watching Will do yoga.

"JJ he's stretching over!" Garcia whispered.

"His ass oh my god." JJ replied.

"You ladies know I can hear you right?" Will turned to face them.

Penelope sunk to the floor pretending to stretch. "No you can't!"

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