Chapter 12

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A few hours later Spencer found himself sitting in a recliner at some member of the football teams house. Everything was full blown the beer was cracked open, the music was blasting and Spencer was so done with this. He searched the room for Derek hoping he wasn't having fun and was just as ready to go home as he was, but he found his best guy friend standing in the corner of the room flirting with a pretty girl drinking from a red solo cup. Reid heaved a heavy sigh before averting his eyes trying to find anyone else he may know, his eyes landed on a bundle of shiny, wavy, bright blonde hair. The girl whom the hair belonged to was straddling someone's lap on the seat right in front of Reid. Obviously the two were in a deep heavy make out session oblivious to the people around them, but there was something familiar about that girl and Spencer didn't figure it out until he saw her lift her hand off of the males neck and into his hair on her wrist was a sliver bracelet with a fake diamond heart.
Spencer's eyes almost bulged out of his head when he realized it was JJ and Will sitting only a few feet away from him getting very handsy.

The genius sprung from his chair and headed to the kitchen looking for some sort of alcohol free beverage. Once in the kitchen he threw open the fridge and found a coke can, trying to fit in he grabbed a solo cup and emptied the contents of the can into the cup then took a long sip. "Spencer?!" A slurred voice behind him called. "Now what are you doing here at a football party?" The question was finished off with a slight giggle. Slowly he turned to come face to face with Lila Archer his ex girlfriend.

"Uh Lila...hi..." He managed to get out, Lila was a very attractive girl, she was stunning, funny, and smart...the whole package for any guy.

"I haven't seen you around the school lately, are you still attending? I heard about your offer into Cal Tech." Spencer eyes widened he nearly forgot how to breath.

"H-how... How did you hear about that?" He stuttered.

Lila took a step closer placer her hand in his forearm. "My dad got a call from Cal Tech asking about your offer because they hadn't heard back from you yet." Lilacs father was the principal of their school, it just raised Lila popularity rather than push it down.

Spencer only nodded his head in response feeling very uncomfortable. Lila's hand moved from his forearm down to his hand eloping their fingers together. "Let's go for a walk Spencer." It was a statement more than a question.

The two walked around back to where the empty pool was sitting still filled with water. "Wanna go in?" The blonde asked.

"Are you crazy it's cold out!" Spencer shivered just thinking of the cool water.

Lila rolled her eyes lifting her top off her body revealing her black satin bra then removing her skirt to reveal matching panties. "Live a little?" She questioned before diving into the still water.

Spencer waked up to the edge of the pool and sat down just far enough away so Lila couldn't reach him, she had a thing about pools if there was one she needed to be there and drag him in. "So why are we out here?" Spencer finally asked.

"Well you broke up with me to see where things went with JJ and seeing that she's been glued to that new kids mouth for the past hour I say that didn't turn out so well."
Spencer rolled his eyes avoiding Lila's gaze she maybe right but she didn't need to know that, the next words out of Lila's mouth definitely changed the direction of the conversation. "But you've been hanging around with that Emily girl for a while too right?"

"Let's not talk about Emily..." Spencer pleaded. Not that there was anything wrong with Emily it was just that their relationship was definitely a strange one... After barley knowing each other they had sex then not twenty four hours later she had found out his secret about his mother.

Lila swam up to the edge of the pool and pulled herself out. "I'm also surprised you let JJ anywhere near Will, after everything that happened in New Orleans-"

"What happened in New Orleans?" Spencer cut in.

"Apparently he raped a girl down there, brought her to a house party and lured her to the basement. Obviously something about that story is wrong cause here he is in Quantico macing on your best friend-" Lila never got the last few words out of her mouth Spencer had rushed inside the house yelling out for Derek.

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