Chapter 31

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Spencer woke up to a blinding light coming in through the window. His head was throbbing, he felt sick and he was in an unusually soft bed... With no clothes on... Suddenly the night before rushed back into his mind.

JJ was grinding up against Spencer her pelvic bone hard against his, once the music had stopped JJ and Spencer ran off ignoring the cat calls and sexy comments. They hid behind the banister on the stairs laughing their heads off like old times when they used to do everything together. Once their laughter died off they stood in silence smiling at each other.

"You know," JJ said stepping closer to her best friend resting her hands on his chest. "Emily told me you two slept together."

Spencer blushed swallowing a dry mouth. "S-she did?"

"Yeah, she told me you were amazing." The blonde bit her lip staring up at him.


"She wouldn't lie... Did she ever tell you that she and I kissed?" Spencer's eyes widened and he could feel himself getting hard. "I would definitely do it again. Same as kissing you."

That was all Spencer needed to make the leap, he pounced forward crashing his lips on JJ's pulling her as close to him as possible. His tongue swept across her lips but she pulled away. "I think there are some rooms upstairs if you want somewhere more quiet?" Spencer nodded his head and the two ran up the stairs looking for a room.

The first room they found was empty and JJ quickly pushed Spencer down onto the bed straddling his hips. She reached behind her head and pulled out her hair elastic letting her locks fall freely down her body. Next she moved to pulling her shirt over her head allowing Spencer to have full view of her bra. The blonde reached forward to pull Spencer's shirt over his torso and threw it onto the floor, next she moved to remove her skirt revealing her panties to the genius brunette.

Spencer breath got hitched in his throat as JJ was nearly naked completely in front of him. His hands reached out to stroke JJ's exposed cleavage, hearing her moan turned him on even more. He watched as JJ reached behind her unclamping her bra and sliding it down her arms exposing her bare breasts. Before Spencer could move or say anything JJ unstraddled his lap and slid down his legs stopping at his uncomfortably tight jeans and undoing the buttons before pulling them and his boxers down.

Spencer turned his head slowly to find a mess of blonde hair next to him with her bare back facing him, Spencer resisted the urge to stroke her soft porcelain skin. Instead her leaned closer to her and started whispering her name in hopes to wake her up calmly. "JJ?" He tried when she didn't stir he gently shook her shoulder. "JJ!" He whispered louder causing her to jerk awake.

"What?!" She shouted sitting up completely not covering herself.
Spencer's eyes widened and his voice squealed when he saw her naked top half. "Their just boobs Spence, get over it." JJ groaned falling back onto the pillow and closing her eyes. A few seconds later she shot up with wide eyes pulling the comforter up to cover herself. "Oh shit..." She whispered looking up at her best friend. "Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit! Did we?" Spencer nodded his head in response and he watched JJ lay back down and remember the events of the night before. "Well... At least Emily was right... You were really good."

All Spencer could do was blush and rub his hands over his eyes. "I can't believe we did that."

JJ heard those words and suddenly became very offended. "What? Am I not good enough for you?" She demanded.

"What? No? It's just Emily and I... And you just... And then we..." He couldn't figure out the right words to say with offending anyone.

"Forget it..." JJ sighed sitting up in the bed reaching over for her clothes. "I'll see you later alright."

"JJ" Spencer called getting out of the strange bed going offer her after pulling his boxers off.

"I don't want to talk okay?" JJ sighed pushing a lock of hair behind her ear and pulling on a strong face to hide how much she was really hurting. It took years but she finally realized it was possible to love him...

"JJ stop!" Spencer demanded grabbing her arm and pulling her into him. "I don't want you to leave." He stated looking her dead in the eye, the two sat there for what felt like forever until Spencer reached down and planted a soft lingering kiss on her lips.

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