Chapter 35

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JJ and Sandy had finished up washing the dishes while the rest of the guests had headed home for the evening. Spencer and Gillian were reading until the small blonde had fallen asleep on is lap halfway through Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. While Andy and Max has gone for a late night walk, Spencer lifted Gillian's head and stood up before placing a pillow under her and a blanket on top. He headed into the kitchen to see if the girls needed help and only found JJ in there with half a pie tin of pumpkin pie and a fork on the breakfast bench.

Spencer walked in and sat on the bar stool across from JJ then took the fork she was playing with and sliced off a piece of the pie to eat. "What's on your mind?" He asked breaking off another piece.

"Mom and I were talking about things to be thankful for... She volunteered down at the teen mom group the other night, making them dinner and stuff... And she was thankful that neither Roz or I ever ended up there." JJ sighed before reaching into another drawer behind her and pulling a fork, she started poking at the pie making it crumple.
"I feel like I should have told them, they would have been disappointed but at least I wouldn't feel so guilty."

Spencer leaned across the table to push some of JJ's hair out of her eyes, then he tilted her chin to look up at him. "Two things; One, stop breaking apart my pie. Two, you have nothing to feel guilty about. I know you and you didn't make that decision lightly you spent a lot of time thinking about the best thing for you, your mom would have made that choice ten times harder on you. If you want to tell them now I will be there to support you, if you don't then don't worry about it."

JJ just nodded going back to playing with the food. "So what's Emily doing today?"

"Garcia invited her over for thanksgiving then I think they're having a sleepover in her hotel room." Not sure what to say JJ took a scoop of the pie and shoved it in her mouth. Ever since Spencer admitted to Emily that he and JJ had been sleeping together the girls friendship had hit a red light, they barley spoke only when they had to which was almost never.

Spencer saw the sad look cross JJ's face, he dipped his finger into the whipped cream on the pie and swiped it across JJ's nose with a smile. "Well don't you just look cute?" He said before looking around the room to make sure no one was around before lightly pecking her lips.

JJ laughed and took the cream off her nose and planted it onto Spencer's. He was about to wipe it off when the blonde grabbed his hands and leaned over the breakfast bar to gently lick it off, then she moved to lick the corner of his mouth. "You had some pie there."

"And if I said you had pie on your neck do I get to lick it off?" He slurred seductively.

"When did you turn into such a bad boy?" JJ purred before capturing his lips in a proper kiss.

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