Chapter 29

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Spencer had no idea why but it did, it bothered him, and he felt Emily needed to know. Not that they were officially dating but Spencer felt an undying urge to tell Emily that JJ had kissed him... And he kissed her back... And he wanted to do it again...

Emily and JJ were having a girls day just the two of them before they were sent back to school the next day, the semester was going to come to an end and the girls needed to go back if they wished to finish their semesters and graduate on time. Diana had been released from the hospital a day ago and was acting fairly normal compared to how she usually is after being discharged. Spencer had a lot in his plate, helping JJ, Emily,his mother, exams, thanksgiving was coming up and no one had heard from Will in quite sometime which caused Spencer's stomach to flip, he just didn't seem like the type of man to just disappear. Emily had guessed her parents just shipped him off like usual to another town or even state but he was still enrolled in all of his classes.

"Spencer dear can you get me some breakfast please?" Diana called from the bedroom.

Spencer called back his agreement before heading into the kitchen to put toast in the toaster. There was a small knock on the door which surprised Spencer because JJ had a key and would just walk in. "Just a second!" Spencer called as he buttered the toast, he put the knife on the counter then opened the door without checking the peep hole.

Will trudged into the house pushing Spencer aside. "Where is she?" He demanded.

"Where's who?" Spencer shot back.

Will rolled his eyes as she turned his head. "Don't play stupid you little freak where's JJ."

"How do you even know she's here?" Spencer asked innocently. "Cause obviously she's not."

Will shoved Spencer in the chest causing him to fall into the wall. "I was just at her place, her parents told me she came here this morning."

The brunette couldn't help but chuckle. "Andy let you anywhere near that house? Gillian let you near that house?" He smirked knowing Gillian's thoughts on Will. "Well that explains the eye." He said pointing to the freshly bruised eye. "Did her dad give you that?"

"Max." Will mumbled still standing over Spencer.

"Well good for him!" Spencer replied with a smile. "I didn't even know he was back home."

Will reached over and grabbed the collar of Spencer shirt and shoving him into the wall. "I know about her pregnancy and I know where you took her to do the other day." He growled, Will watched as Spencer's eyes widened in surprise. "You know you have a thing for my sloppy seconds don't you?" He asked with a wicked grin.

"What the hell are you talking about?!" Spencer demanded.

"Emily never told you? She and I have had some fun times together even got her pregnant too but she got rid of it just the same. But you know what? I'll just see her tomorrow at school." Will released Spencer from the wall and headed out the door. While Spencer slid down the wall onto the floor process what just happened.

"Spencer please bring me my food!" Diana called from inside the bedroom.

JJ and Emily returned an hour later with ice coffee and a few shopping bags.
They walked into the house to find Spencer pacing the room quietly running his fingers through his hair. "Hey Spence, we brought you a cookie." JJ smiled handing over the bag.

"Thanks." He mumbled before turning to Emily. "We need to talk." He mouthed. "JJ why didn't you tell me Max was back in town?"

"Oh?" The blonde smiled with a surprised look. "I guess he got there after I left I had no idea."

"Well let's go visit him. Do you want to bring the car around?" Spencer asked pulling his keys out.

"Yes!" JJ cheered taking the keys to the Volvo and rushing out the door.

Emily turned the face Spencer crossing her arms. "What is this about ringworm?"

"Did you have sex with Will?" Spencer asked frustrated.


"Did you have sex with your step brother?" Spencer pushed again.

"Where the hell is this even coming from?!" Emily shouted.

"He was here looking for JJ then before he left he told me that he got you pregnant."

"Unbelievable!" Emily threw her hands up in anger. "He didn't get me pregnant."

"But you slept with him?"

"No!" Emily started walking off praying she wouldn't cry.

Spencer leapt forward grabbing her arm to pull her back. He turned her around to see the tears swelling up in her eyes. "B-but you were pregnant?"

All Emily could do was nod her head not trusting her mouth to speak.
Stupid Will ruining everything!

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