Chapter 13

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Thirteen is my favourite number so I'm going to try to make this really good

Spencer rushed back into the house searching for Derek, pushing through the crowds he found his way back into the living room where Derek stood in the same place talking to the same girl. "Derek we gotta find Jayje!" Reid demanded.

Derek turned around to face the genius, Spencer's face had gone red and his fists were clenched. "Woah man what's going on?" The well build teen asked placing a hand in his friends shoulder.

"Did you know about New Orleans?!" Spencer asked harshly.

"What the hell are you talking about kid?"

"Apparently Will raped a girl while he was living there it's why they moved..." Reid staggered suddenly his mind made a connection. Why hadn't Emily told him?

Derek's eyes widened frantically searching the room. "Where'd they go?" He asked when Will and JJ weren't in their last spot.

"He hem?" A small voice was heard from behind them, it was the girl Derek was just talking to. "They went to the basement like twenty minutes ago."

Without a second glance Spencer and Derek took off down the basement stairs. The noise level dropped and they could actually hear themselves think which was actually scaring them. The basement was finished a card table was set up right in the middle of it a few of the basketball players were hanging around it while the rest of the team was sprawled across the room Spencer's eyes immediately found JJ who was wrapped up in Wills arms as he talked to someone on the team. Without much thought the brunette genius marched up to the southern teenager, grabbed him by the collar and shoved him against the wall causing Will to let go of JJ.

"What the hell's your problem?!" Will shouted at Spencer.

"You think I was going to let that happen to JJ?!" He shouted back knocking Will into the wall again.

"Let what happen to JJ? I've never done anything she hadn't said yes to!" Wills words were slightly slurred which caused panic in Reid's mind.

"You pathetic piece of-"

"Enough!" JJ cut through Spencer's words cause everyone's eyes to shift to her. "What the hell do you think you're doing Spencer?! Let go of my boyfriend right now!" She demanded. "Now what is going on here!?"

Spencer turned to look JJ dead in the eye. "I'm just trying to protect you! He raped a girl back in New Orleans."

The room got quiet all eyes on Jennifer Jareau wait for her reaction she walked towards Spencer with sullen look on her face. "You asshole!" She hissed right in his face. "Will told me what happened, they slept together and she told some friends and word got round, when it got back to him the story had completely changed! He hasn't done anything wrong!"

Spencer was stuck between a rock and a hard place with no idea what to say or do, he could have sworn he saw Will sent a smirk his way. "JJ-"

"Save it Reid!" She threw her hand up in his face causing him to stop. "I don't want to hear it! I can't believe you! Just stay away from us alright?" She barley whispered out the last part. "I don't want you around for a while okay? I can't believe you would even try to do something like that to me Spence." JJ turned away taking Will hand and walking further into the basement leaving a stunned Reid trying to cope with what just happened.

"Dude you alright?" Derek asked patting his friends shoulder.

"I think we should just head home." Spencer replied turning to go back up the stairs and straight out the front door.

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