Chapter 25

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It had been a week since JJ or Emily had gone to school, and JJ was practically living at Spencer's. Diana was having problems adjusting to her medication so the hospital was still holding her. Spencer dressed and was ready to head out the door when he found JJ and Emily still in their pj's sprawled out across the couch. "You seriously aren't going to school again today?"

Emily moaned rolling over on the couch to face Spencer. She made a come hither motion with her hand drawing Spencer's face closer to hers when he was close enough she leaned up to place a quick peck in his lips. "You need to stop being such a tight ass, even if it's a cute ass." She whispered. Emily and Spencer hadn't quiet 'downed the relationship' yet but in a nutshell they were together, just Emily's unstable emotions caused a bit of a barrier Spencer wasn't willing to cross and well Spencer wasn't that far off in Emily's eyes he would never care for her like he cares for JJ.

"What about you Jayge?" Spencer asked looking over at his best friend who was huddled in the couch corner wrapped up in blankets.

"I'm sick." She whined wrapping the blanket tighter around her.
Spencer walked over feeling JJ's forehead to find she felt a little warm. "You have a slight fever, anything else?"

"My back hurts, my head hurts, and I really need to pee." JJ groaned looking up at her friend. "Can you get me some orange juice?"

"You hate orange juice." Inquired Reid as he headed over to the fridge and pulled out a carton of juice then poured it into a glass. He handed her the glass then kissed the top of her head before giving Emily a kiss.

"There is medicine in the cabinet in the bathroom, don't give her too much thought she tends to go a little wonky on this stuff." Spencer informed Emily before walking out of the door.

Once Spencer left Emily leaned across the couch checking JJ over. "Are you really sick or just PMSing?"

JJ rolled her eyes chugging the last of her juice. "I just drank this thing, yeah I'm actually sick. And I really have to pee." JJ sighed getting up from the couch and heading to the bathroom.

Once she was done she heading back out the the living and suddenly hurled onto the carpet. Emily shot up from the couch and grabbed a towel throwing it over the vomit. "Let's get you to sit back down." Emily grabbed JJ's hand and walked her over to the couch, once she was seated Emily ran into the kitchen to grab the garbage pail which she left in front of JJ before going back and cleaning up the mess. Once that was finished Emily walked into the bathroom and came back with a bottle with pink liquid in it.

"No!" JJ whined like a child. "I don't want bismuth! I tastes like root beer." She pouted.

"Fine." Emily sighed putting the bottle down. "I'll just go grab some ginger ale from down the street okay?" JJ just nodded her head before curling up into the side on the couch again.

When Emily returned fifteen minutes later the blonde was sound asleep. Emily put her purchases of ginger ale, chocolate, and ice cream away before going back to the couch and allowing herself to nap.

When JJ woke up later Emily was still asleep. A sneaking suspicion wouldn't leave JJ's mind causing her to get up, change into a tank top and sweat pants then leave for the store.
When JJ returned she rushed into the bathroom not even saying hi to Emily who was now awake. Emily followed JJ to the bathroom and knocked in the door. "Is everything okay?" She asked.

"Ye-yeah I'm fine I'll be out in a minute." JJ replied.

The toilet flushed and the faucets turned on and off and JJ still wasn't out of the bathroom. "Jennifer come on, I just want to make sure you're okay." Emily inclined.

The door slowly pulled open and JJ quickly walked out closing the door rabidly behind her. "Well hello girls!" Emily laughed, JJ's breast were nearly falling out of her shirt like they had swollen- suddenly Emily stopped rethink the last few hours. Back ache, headache, fever, swollen breasts, frequent urination, and vomiting... Emily remembered those signs very well.
"Oh sweetie!" Emily cried holding her arms wide open allowing JJ to nearly knock her over as she charged into them and began to cry. Emily pushed open the bathroom door to find a blue stick sitting in the bathroom counter. "I am so sorry." Emily whispered in JJ's ear as she stroked her hair. "We will fix this okay? I promise." She felt JJ's head move up and down in agreement. "I promise you'll be okay."
Bet you weren't expecting that! Now what's JJ going to do? Dun dun daaaaaaaaa!

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