Chapter 22

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The rest of the day was quiet... Far to quiet at the school... No one spoke out of the place for the rest of the day. The only ones not actually in class were, JJ, Spencer, Will, and Emily. JJ and Spencer had gone home while Will and Emily were in the principles office, Emily had informed the office that Will was the one to release the photo to the school, Will was called down not long after and the smooth southern gentleman talked circles around Emily's statement providing enough reason that he was not the one to commit 'the horrid act'. After the meeting Mr. Archer had sent them both home for the rest of the day.

Emily threw her bag in the dining room table and slumped in the chair she rested her head on her arms and almost fell asleep until she felt cold hands slowly start climbing under her shirt and over her hips up to her ribs before she realized what was going on. She shot up from the chair and cowered against the wall, she felt defenceless the closer he came, until his body was pressed right up against hers and he placed a soft kiss in her forehead. "You had one job Darlin', all you had to do was keep him away." He growled.

"Get off of me." She cowered, she was a tough girl in almost any situation...

"No you owe me now." His hand wondered up her shirt stopping right at the edge of her bra where his fingers started playing with the fabric. And Emily tried her hardest to keep herself from crying.

"Kids?" A familiar voice called, neither teenager moved for a moment until it called again. "Kids?" Emily pushed Will away from her into the table as she rushed over to the doorway.

"Mom!" She replied. "In the kitchen!" William Senior and Elizabeth Prentiss both entered the kitchen together carrying their suitcases. "What are you guys going home?" Emily asked.

Elizabeth pulled out a chair from the dining table and sat down. "Your principal called there was an issue at school today involving Will's girlfriend and some...  Um... Scandalous photos. So we rushed home as soon as we could to clear up this mess." She stated in her diplomatic voice.

"Clear this up?" Emily repeated. "Clear what up? Will is guilty of all this."

"Emily Prentiss! How dare you?!" Her mother scorned. "This is your brother you are talking about, he is a good person."

Emily felt the sting of tears forming in her eyes. "No! He's pathetic and a horrible person! He's a rapist!" She shouted with all her courage.

"Emily Danielle Prentiss, you will never say those things again in this house!" Elizabeth shouted back standing from her chair.

"Why because they're true?! It happened in New Orleans, it happens in Washington, and it happened in Rome, but you're too blind to notice! He raped me! And he just tried to do it again! He's a monster and you're covering for him!" She burning in her eyes continued as her tears fell.

"How dare you accuse him of something like this!" Elizabeth replied her voice quiet and deep but very frightening. "The only monster here is you, you have this horrible need of attention and you'll do anything to get it."

"I got pregnant two years ago did you know that? If I was seeking attention don't you think I would have told you? I had an abortion then this sick freak came into my room and raped me! While you were getting drunk at some fundraiser! And you!" Emily said turning to William. "Why aren't you defending your kid? I bet it's because you already know, you both do but you'd rather protect your image then help me!" William just stood silently placing his hand in his wife's shoulder. "That's what I thought. But I'm just going to make it simple on the both of you, it either I leave or he does!"

JJ sat alone in her room crying as hard as she had ever cried before. Her life was over forever...
The thought of Spencer flashed through her head for a second stopping her tears. She didn't have to do this alone he was always there for her when ever she needed him.
The thunder clapped making Spencer jump slightly when the lights flickered in the bedroom even at seventeen he was still...only slightly... Afraid of the dark. He pulled on his pyjama shirt and matching pants, and was about to climb into bed for the night when he heard a knocking at the door. He padded across the ugly brown carpeted floor until he reached the front door, without checking who it was he opened to it reveal a soaked head to toe Emily carrying a packed duffle bag. "I know I'm not supposed to be here cause your mom sometimes hates me but I don't know where to go...." She sobbed.

Spencer wrapped his arms around her pulling her close letting Emily cry as mush as she needed to. "You can stay as long as you need, and don't worry about my mom she's at the hospital they upped her dosage again." He felt Emily nod into his chest and he slowly walked her into the only bedroom.

Emily had pulled away long enough for Spencer to noticed her soaked shirt and pants. "Here let me find you something to where, he walked over to the dresser and pulled out a large purple t-shirt that would fit Emily like a dress. He walked back over and hesitantly took the ends of Emily's shirt and pulled it over her head leaving her in her bra. Spencer turned red and turned his head slightly to the side, he heard the sound of a zipper then a soft thud on the floor, his was was stilled turned till he felt a soft hand rest on his cheek, he tilted his head to rest into the hand then suddenly felt soft lips over lap his and he didn't resist. He liked kissing Emily honestly, she was intriguing to him, she was mysterious and spontaneous and she did it with class. It wasn't until his pyjama shirt was lifted over his head did Spencer finally pull away. " I- I think we should just sleep okay?" Emily nodded in agreement and the two drifted off into dreamland.
JJ unlocked the door to Spencer's apartment as quietly as she could, she had no idea if Diana was home or not and she didn't want to wake her. JJ crept across the living room and into the bedroom, she slowly opened the door and gasped in surprise, lying in bed was a topless Spencer and Emily dressed only in Spencer's shirt their arms wrapped around each other. JJ resisted the urge to cry and closed the door again and excited the apartment.

Okay I mean this time! No more until I wake up tomorrow!💞

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