Chapter 2

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Spencer was awaken by the unexpected weight resting on top of him. He opened his eyes to fine Gillian sitting on his side and JJ leaning over the couch. "Good morning Spence, mom has breakfast ready and we gotta go so you can grab your stuff from your house." Smiled JJ running her hand through his hair.

"I'd get up but I have a heavy lump on top of me." Spencer groaned.

"I am not heavy!" Whined Gillian beginning to stand up.

"Yeah I guess you right." He crept up behind Gillian and lifted her up swinging her around the basement was erupted with giggles and laughter, Spencer was running around the room carrying Gillian while JJ chased after them. Eventually JJ gave up and sulked up the stairs leaving Spence and Gillian alone in the basement.

"So... Spencey?" The small blonde stood on the balls of her feet.

"No Gillian, the answer still is and always will be no."

"Come on Spencer all you have to do is ask her out on one tiny little date. It's a brand new year, your senior year take the plunge!"

"You're twelve what do you know Gill?"

"That you're in love with my sister." She smirked, she looked so much like her older sister.

"I need to change and get to school, I'll see you tonight Gillian."

"Bye Spencer!" Gillian gave him a hug then took off up the stairs.

The resident genius walked over to the bathroom and took a shower then redressed in spare clothes he had over at the Jareau house he could help but think of their first day of grade nine.

Reid had spent the night as Diana was having another episode. The two best friends stayed up playing poker most of the night because they were extremely nervous about starting high school.

"People don't like me Jen... Not even in preschool how am I supposed to survive high school?"

"Well I liked you in preschool so I guess I'm a nobody... But I'd be a nobody if it means I get to be your friend." She sent him a soft smile when she looked up from her cards capturing his attention. She had the most beautiful eyes in Spencer's opinion, her hair was soft and shiny the perfect blonde colour, and she was his best friend. The most beautiful girl in the entire town was his best friend and she wasn't afraid to admit to anyone.

"You're not a nobody everyone loves you JJ."

"I know I just needed to distract you long enough so you'd stop counting cards. Dealer takes two and would you look at that full house ace over fives."

"What no? I have an ace how did you...? I thought we agreed you'd stop cheating!" JJ and Max had a habit of stashing hidden cards around the dining room table to be able to beat Spence when they would play.

"What can I say? I am just that good Spencer Reid, bow down to the queen of poker!"

"You promised you'd quite cheating when we played."

"Stop your whining it's just a game."

"I'm serious though JJ... What if they pick on me like every other year?"

JJ stood from her spot around the kitchen table to walk over to Spencer, she wrapped her arms around his neck and place her hands on his chest leaning her chin on his shoulder. "Then I will kick their asses every which way imaginable."

"Can you try not to sprain or break anything this time?" Spencer pleaded

"Hey Riley Matthews totally had that coming, those horn rim glasses make you look so adorable." She patted his face softly. "I talked to Max yesterday and he told me something really interesting. He said high school will be the worst four years of your life-"

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