Even In The Morning

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Tewksbury POV

I got out to take a breather. I love her, I am just so nervous about tonight. Commitment is harder than I thought. She is angelic even when she scoldes me. She is great with every imperfection. I.. I am afraid that I am not who is right for her.
An old woman passes beside me, she looks kind. "Take this boy," She says handing me a pink rose. "It might cheer you up" I take it and thank her for her generosity. I realize that it is late, Enola might be at home already!

10 minutes later

I enter with shaking hands. This is not good. I saw her, Got lovestruck went straight to my head, I gave her the pink rose. She looks gorgeous in a rose gold satin dress, perfectly on every curve.
"Beautiful, beautiful angel" I call out moving closer after I hang my coat. "Hey," She says smiling "That is all I get 'Hey' Not I missed you not I feel like my heart is finally beating now," I say loosening my hands on her back and then pulling her closer. "You can hear all of that by looking into my eyes, hearing how my breathing accelerates whenever I feel you close." She lets out smoothly. "Did you? Miss me?" I ask. God, I am so nervous. "Why are your hands shaking, Tewksbury?" She asks looking directly into my eyes. She retreats from her current position to take my hands in hers. "What is wrong?" She asks "Nothing, I just want this marriage to be perfect for you." I say in a low voice. "You Are perfect for me. I want you, just you. I trust that it will be an extraordinary life. You are great. In a world of boys, you are a gentleman!" She says inching closer to my face. She puts a hand on my cheek, my nerves struck up at the intensity of her touch.

The next day

I wake up feeling a breath on my naked chest. I open my eyes slowly to find her lying on my chest. I trace her hands with mine. "Good morning, love!" I say feeling her breathing rate has changed. "Good morning," She says with a muffled smile. She intertwines our hands "Do we have to get out of here just now?!" She exclaims "Not if u don't mind being late for your work." I let out "You are a nincompoop even in the morning." she says sitting up and resting her head on the back of the bed. "You are exquisite" I utter without noticing. "I can not stop staring at you. You are a plague I wish to never be cured of" I let out sitting in her position. Our hands are tied with longing stares from her. "Lust is a liar" She lets out looking at our hands. "What?!" I ask confused "Desire is a short-lived fire" She continues moving close to my lips. My breath dares not be even now. "It doesn't compare to what you & I conspire." She says taking my mouth in a sultry kiss that is so endearing. I kiss her back just as fiercely. She breaks the kiss and speaks "Does my breath bother you?" She asks "Darling, I have fantasized about this way too much to let morning breath stand in my way. Plus, We have only slept for 4 hours." I say reaching for her flushed lips. "You have got to stop being more beautiful every day!" I exclaim "Tell that to you, Handsome nincompoop." She utters with a low lusty tone. "You think I am handsome?" I tease her. She kisses me hard and deep. Oh my god. "Uhhh" she lets out which is followed by a groan from me. I reach for her hips from underneath the covers. Got love-struck went straight to my head when I looked her in the eyes and found fire in them. Got lovesick all over my bed and I don't regret a second. "That handsome, huh?" I continue teasing her. "Shut up" She says sitting up on me "Ohh, uhh" we let out remembering....
I think it is sweet to see his side for a change.
What do you think dearies?
I missed u guysssss💋💫

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