Does It Not Make You Jealous?(edited)

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The big waltz is coming up. Will Enola discover Isabella? Is she even our threat or is there someone else around the corner? Enjoy the dance, dear friend!

Enola POV

What just happened?? I do not know. The case, yes. I bump into someone, a lady. Oh my. She is crying. "Are you alright, miss?" I ask her. She fixes her hair and speaks "I am afraid I trapped myself in something and I do not know how to get out of it. It is impossible. Oh.. I am sorry I am delaying u from the dance." she says and her voice is cracky "No, no worries. Let me tell you something my mother always told me. 'There is always a loophole' You can find your way out of any situation. Remember we are women we can do anything." I try to motivate her "Thank you! I will do my best." She said smiling. Her smile is the kind of smile that is alluring you to do just the same. "Are you not going to dance?" I ask her "No, I hate balls and I despise dancing. I am going to be an observer, I came alone. I want to speak with Lord Tewksbury. I have a feeling that he can help me." She says and I notice something strange about her accent. But she was crying, it must be because of that. "I hear he wants to change the world, a dreamer, they say. Anyway, I should go." I tell her "Same. I have a feeling we will meet again." She says and continues walking. I do the same

Tewksbury POV

The waltz is about to start. I hope I can dance with her even if it is for a few seconds. I am afraid I am addicted to her and everything about her. I have to dance because it is my ball and I do not want to hear from my family. Here we go. The music starts, and I see her in front of Troy. He is a good fellow, I do not want that to change. He is just her client. We start by letting out our hands to the ladies then we do a quick spin and do the waltz two times then change partners and so it goes.

We have been dancing for five minutes and at the next switch I find a lady that has a warm smile and looks determined, My flower "Have you solved your case, Flower?" I love how she looks when I call her by this nickname. "No, I can not seem to find the one I came here for," she says bitterly. It was time for the spin then after it, she would come so close "Why so bitter, Enola?" I ask her

"I hate balls, I had to come to one and it looks like it was a waste of my precious time." I see what she is doing. "It did not seem like your time was wasted in the bathroom" Why do we have to change partners now? Because of my luck, I could not see her reaction.

I could not agree with you more Tewksbury. Enola was flustered and perplexed. The case was not as simple as she thought. At least that is what she thinks is the reason for her mood.

Isabella POV

I watch as this girl dances. She is looking for me and she is determined. Enola Holmes, The famous detective. I like her, But I can not let her find me, Not yet. A loophole, how can I find one in the spider web I am in? I did not want to be in any of this but my brother's life is at stake. He is young but cunning far beyond his age. I will not lose hope, I can't. I shall talk to Lord Tewksbury, he is the only loophole available.

Enola POV

I am now dancing with Troy. He is a good one. Anyone here is better than me. "Who taught you the waltz?" He asks "Self-taught," I say. Does it look like I am lying? "I do this a lot, you see" I say letting my eyes wander all around the place "Ah, I get it. Your job looks like fun except for the part where you have to go to weird places in weird clothes" He says " You don't know" I say smiling but something else is on my mind or alas someone. Here we go again "You know that you look very..." Why am I saying this, I was about to call him Handsome, God help me "Very what, Enola?" He asks smirking "Very nincompoop-like." I say "I do not believe you but it is ok..." he stops mid-sentence puts his hands around my waist, lifts me, and spins me around. "I did not expect that. " I say "Well, you did not let me finish the dance lesson." He says putting a hand around my waist and taking one in his hand "Why are you looking at the ladies here?" he asks "The one I am looking for is a lady. Why else would I be looking at them?" I say " Well, you could be wondering which one of them danced with me before you. Does it not make you...what is the word? Jealous? Are you not jealous of the fact that I have touched and been touched by other women, Flower?" He says. I am not jealous, I want to look out for him but that does not have anything to do with jealousy. "I think your opinion of yourself is entirely too high." then the music stops. He comes close to my ears and says "We will meet..." He stops mid-sentence at the sound of a maid screaming and we both go to see what is happening. We found the lady I talked to earlier dead stabbed in the heart by a knife. The blood is not dry, she was just killed a few minutes ago. She was good. Wait.. What was she trapped in? Who is she? Troy snaps me out of my thoughts, I did not even know he was here "That is her. This is..was Isabella. Oh my God" He says. What? SHE was Isabella. Oh, dear lord "We will discuss this later. Now, I need a napkin to get the knife with" I say looking at the maid "Right away, ma'am" she says running away "Tewksbury, we need to clear the place and call the police!" I tell him and he goes right away to let people out "Troy, you need to leave now but come at my office tomorrow.. Well, today afternoon to discuss this all" I say, and he looks at her one last time, then at me and walks away

Murder, that is quite the case. Don't you think, dear friend? Who killed Isabella? Is her murderer going to kill anyone else? Well, stay tuned. Talk to you later.

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