You Married Him!

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Enola POV

He turns around and waits for me to continue speaking, I do. "I know it is not the perfect time for introductions, but, I am Enola Holmes. I am the detective covering your sister's murder case. & I am here to ask you for every piece of information you know that can help me uncover her killer." I say then I take a breath. "I'm sorry, I don't know how to help you, detective. I already said all I knew. That was the last time I saw her."

Troy joins them. "Hi, You must be Issac!" Troy says extending his hand which the man does not take. Troy retreats his hands awkwardly and thinks that the guy is mourning and does not focus all the time.

"Isabella talked about you, A lot! She adored you so much!" Troy says trying to lighten up the atmosphere. Enola notices a weird tone in Troy's words. It is like he is hiding something. She brushed this off her mind, remembering he always talks in his special way. Issac has his suspicions too. "Nice to meet you! You are not from Britain, Are you?" Issac asks the guy. "That obvious, huh?" Troy says with his hands at his sides. "You are a fast talker which is a hard thing to do when you are British." Issac points out. "I was raised in America. I came here to study." Troy clears out. "Nice," Issac says smirking. Issac seems kind of nervous for now. Why could that be? Enola was about to see something on his hand but he was fast enough to hide it in his jacket. She continues the conversation by saying "Well, that is sad. I was hoping you could help me." Enola says looking down. "I wish I could. I guess you could come to my office at any time. Here is a card with all of the details." Issac says giving her his card. She takes it and puts it in her little black satchel. "God, I miss her so much." He says with a whiney voice. Troy mockingly looks at him. What could be the reason for Troy not believing the man?
Enola seems to disagree.

Enola and Troy walk back home instead of hailing a cab. "I don't trust this Issac fellow." Troy points out. "Why? Couldn't you see his sadness for his sister's passing?" Enola asks "Well, Couldn't you see how nervous he was whenever her murderer was brought up? I don't know, call it a gut feeling but This guy is shady and he is hiding something so take care, good friend." He says and finishes his speech by reminding himself that he gets to be her friend and only that. "I will. All of what we collected was that she was excited to come to her birthplace. My mom said that Isabella and Issac's mom was murdered in England along with her other child. If Isabella was so ecstatic about coming here, who could have threatened her? & why did she seek Tewksbury's help?" Enola wonders "Maybe she didn't tell her brother the whole truth... Or maybe her brother didn't say the whole truth." Troy adds new thoughts to the table. "Everything now is a maybe," Enola says looking at the ground. "Don't be down! You will figure it out. You are a great detective, if not the best." Troy says "How do you know that?" She asks and looks at him "Is that a gut feeling too?" She adds "Yes, yes it is. Also, the fact that Tewksbury could not stop talking about you the other night." Troy answers "Oh, oh you young man have some explaining to do! Why did you let Tewksbury drink so much?" She bursts at him "Oh that uh!" He lets out nervously "Uh-huh," She says "Well, uh How do you know?" Troy asks trying to get himself off the hook. "I might have run into him, talked, kissed, married, and had sex with him, and guess what happened in the morning he forgot about everything!" She lets out. Enola has never talked as fast as she did at that moment. "Stop! Stop! Enola, You are speaking faster than Americans right now. Slow down." Troy lets out. She does & tells him what happened. "You married him! God, I am so happy for you! Oh, That is tremendous news!" Troy says surprising both her and himself. "Well, me too. It is just that I don't know how to tell my mom. I am also scared of commitment. I always get this when something is added to my life. I mean like, I love Tewksbury. But what if He deserves someone better or prettier or more feminine than me?" Enola wonders "& What if you are all he wants? Let me tell you something, my mom always used to tell me that God would not give us something that we would not be able to do. If you weren't strong enough to commit to this man then God would not have made you visit him in the middle of the night with no fear, Full stop." He says soothing her fears.

They reach her office "Enola, before you go! I have to tell you something." She turns around and looks at him with her full attention "What?"She asks "I am so happy to get to be your friend." He lets out a smile. "Oh, I am so happy too. Good night!" She calls out. "Night!" He says and goes on his way.

Enola Packed her stuff and went to Tewksbury's apartment which is now, theirs. She could not find Tewksbury when she entered. Where could he have gone at this hour?
What do you think about this one?
Do you like Troy or not?
Who do you think is Isabella's murderer?
Stay tuned to find out dear friend!
Love from your author❤️

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