Epilogue + Authors Note

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Dear Simon,

Things have changed since we've last talked, not big changes, but changes nonetheless. Work has been stressful, but when has it not been? The deployment was successful, I am, as you know, unable to speak or write about the things I've done. It doesn't bother me that these memories stay hidden, but they're much less weighing on my mind.

Ericka Gold has been dishonorably discharged, shocker, I know. She was found in a broom closet, undressed and unbecoming of her clothing along with her title. I'm currently unknown of what became of her, but her name still wanders the halls, only to be remembered as a just that.

What came of me and Johnny? When I had arrived back from months of torment, he was gone. I texted and called, no answer, I showed up to his apartment to find the door creaked, and inside empty. He was gone, left from everything I thought we had built in our time together. The thought of him fueled my every waking moment, every time I held my breath, every time I had to watch the pain. Each moment I had to wipe the blood off the barrel of my gun.

My only hope was Johnny

"Hope?" John says, looking over my shoulder.

Ghost POV

"What's wrong with it?" I ask, he reaches over pointing at the word hope. "It doesn't feel right, read it over" John say, leaning down on me. "My only hope was Johnny, it sounds fine to me" I say, "Johnny was my only hope" John says dramatically, copying my accent. "Ok then" I say, I scratch the phrase out, rewriting it as he suggested I should. "Happy?" I ask, "Very" he responds.

Johnny was my only hope. For what came of Gaz and Price, they'd-

"That's it?" John mentions, "It of what?" I ask, looking to him, his arms wrapped around my neck. "I mean you're not going to talk about me more? I feel I deserve at least a page, but a paragraph? Give me some type of credit" John complains. "Johnny, I want to remind you, that this journal isn't real" I say, "Ok but why?" John asks. "John-" he shakes his head, returning to his position, "Right, false journal, sorry."

For what came of Gaz-

John clears his throat, I put the pen down, closing the book. "Ok I'm done, I swear" John says, I stand from my chair, and grab John's face, Kissing him. "Sometimes I regret telling you that I fell in love with your voice" I say. He laughs, kissing me back "Should I also tell you the places you forgot to capitalize?" John offers. I pull him back in, humming a decline in his lips.

 Footsteps enter the room, "Daddy daddy! I found it!" Maddison says, running towards us. Me and John both look down to her, she's dressed in a yellow dress with fairy wings on her back, and her hair in buns. In her hands, she's holding a pair of costume butterfly wings. "Good job Maddie" John says taking them from her, "Ok we have 5 minutes, go to the kitchen and bring the paint outside to mommy" John says, kissing her forehead.

"Ok daddy!" She says skipping off joyfully, "You plan on also being a fairy?" I ask. He chuckles, "Nope, you are" John says, handing them to me, turning to leave the room. "Pardon?" I say,  following, "Why do I have to be a fairy?" I ask. "Because that's what Maddison want you to be" I let out a sigh, "Well what are you gonna be?" I ask. "The same thing as you, except the tutu" John says, putting on a pair of his own wings. "The what-".

We walk into the back yard, back there, children run around with their parents watching over. Music, face painting, joy all around. Maddison runs back over, handing me tutu, I look to John. He whispers in my ear, "If you don't put it on, I'll break both your arms" he says with a smile. I smile, letting out a heavy breath, looking back at him, I put the tutu on along with the wings.

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