Chapter 19: Five Minutes

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Soap POV

"Why? You interested in the Lieutenant?" I ask, she laughs at my question. "Maybe.. Tell me" She looks me up and down, walking closer to me. Her friend leaning on the wall next to me "What is he like outside of work?" Gold asks. Let's weight our options here;

A, I could lie, resulting in her approaching Simon with false information. Which sounds super fucking funny, but he might find out it was me cause everyone is too scared to even mention his title. Well except Gold, but it's clear she's blinded by her horniness.

B, I talk him down, 'After work he goes back home and lays in a grave he's dug for himself, practicing for when he dies. Then I tell her that he's a boring texter, and it would be a waste of time trying... That's boring. Also me mentioning that he text me might give her hope.

C, I tell her to fuck off.

Oh what great options I've come up with, "Normal I guess?" I say, Gold is clearly unsatisfied with my answer. "Then what does talk about?" Gold asks, tilting her head a bit. Work, and how he's struggling to know if a four year old likes him. "Work, and his truck" I say, Gold's face lights up. "Wow, I've only seen him talk to Sargent Garrick, and the Captain, casually of course" Gold says.

Her statement slightly confuses me, I haven't been around long enough to confirm if what she's saying is true or not. "So it's shocking he's walking around with you in tow" Gold says, with a smug look on her face. "You didn't mention yourself" I say, "What?" Gold questions "In the list of people that Si- Lieutenant Riley talks casually to, you didn't mention yourself, why?" I ask.

Her face turns sour "Well the Lieutenant is very busy, and doesn't have time to have conversations with his subordinates" Gold defends. Seems like my comment struck a nerve, "So are you saying that he doesn't see me as a subordinate?" I ask, poking her more. "He's more professional than that, I wouldn't assume too far" Gold says.

She's clearly getting upset, telling by her friend tapping her and whispering something in her ear. "Well, First Class, Private Ericka Gold" I pat the same arm that Gold as her stripe on, "I'll be sure to Acknowledge my position in this department, and that my rank prevents from me forming a personal relationship with Lieutenant Riley, thank you First Class Private Gold" I say.

I stand back in my position next to the door, Gold is almost fumeing, if I squint I would be able to see the steam emitting from her head. "We should go" Her friend says, grabbing onto her arm. Which I do agree with, the first reasonable statement in this whole conversation. She pushes his arm back "No, What are you trying to say, MacTavish?" Gold asks, slightly raising her voice.

"I'm just repeating what you've told me, ma'am" I say, which was true. The day Gold introduced herself to me, she told me her rank and her name, nothing I've said has been untrue. The door opens, Simon walks out closing the door behind him. He looks among us "Am I interrupting something?" Simon asks, me and Gold exchange looks.

She stands up straight, putting back on her cheery persona "No Sir! Just happy to see my Lieutenant" Gold says, giving him a smile. He furrows his brow at her "What were you talking about just now?" Simon asks. Gold is taken aback by his question "Just talking about work, and MacTavish was telling us about how he's enjoying his job here" Gold says.

She turns to me smiling, Indirectly threatening my job, that's new. "Are you enjoying your job.. MacTavish" Simon asks me, "Surely wasn't what I thought it would be, but it's easier than my last job" I say. "What was your last job?" Gold asks with a smug look on her face. 

Ghost POV

"Nothing important, but I do have to go, maybe next time we can continue this conversation" John says. What the fuck happened when I was in there?  "I'd be glad to do that" Gold says through her teeth. John starts to walk, I turn to follow "Lieutenant! I was wondering if I could have a moment of your time?" Gold asks.

I look down at her "Is it a work matter?" I ask, If she says no I can leave, and if she says yes I can tell her to use chain of command, win win situation here. "Well I was wondering if you'd like to-" Gold is interrupted, "Ghost!" John yells from down the hall. I focus my view on him, he's still walking down the hall, motioning for me to join him.

I don't know why, but everything around me blurred, and all I could see was you waving to me. I turn to start walking towards him, the light makes your blue eyes almost seem transparent. I'm not sure if it's because of the way you said my name, but never have I felt more drawn to a person.

"That was a long five minutes" John says, "I think we both know me at work never takes five minutes" I say putting my hands into my pockets. John rubs my shoulder, "Sure, should we go?" John asks. "Yeah" I say.

Small time skip cause I fucking can

Soap POV

After getting breakfast, and meeting who Simon calls my 'Best Friend' at the somehow BEST coffee shop. We've just been in the parking lot talking, about what? Honestly we've just been looking at the people walking by. What they could be doing, what they talk about, simple things.

"So are we planning on just sitting in this parking lot all day?" Simon asks, taking a drag out of his cigarette. I let out a sigh, I've been avoiding calling Lydia, since everything that's happened last night, I don't think I could muster the strength to call. For Maddison's sake I have to, "Still have to call Lydia, I want to take Maddison to the park" I say.

I rub the back of my neck, "I could always ask her to bring her to the park, then I can drop her back off later tonight, just minimize the time I see her" I say. Simon drops his cigarette, putting it out on the concert "I'll take you, if anything happens I'll be there" Simon says. He walks around the car getting in, I pull out my phone, seeing the text between us.

This is fine, just breath, and get through today. Just like you have the last 5 years, focus on today, that way you don't have to worry about tomorrow. I take another deep breath, typing into my phone.

'We should talk'

{Did I miss something? Why did so many people start reading this? I won't complain, but you guys also should vote. I wanna know how much you guys like the story, also comment if you want! Hope you enjoyed!}

{I also KNOW it's not wednesday, and that it's shorter, let me BREATHHHHH}

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