Chapter 11: Bar Conversations

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Ghost POV

I knock on Price's door, the plan is to get off early so I can drink, stick to the plan. The door opens, Price is holding a mug, gradually taking a sip out of it. When he notices it's me knocking, his eyebrow furrows, "What did you do?" Price asks. "Pardon?" I question, "Each time I let you in my office, you either linger around till you steal one my cigars, or you talk my ear off until I leave then you take one of my cigars."

"Captain-" Price cuts me off, "Ghost I like you, but you can't keep stealing my shit" Price says. We stand in silence for a moment, "Can I-" Price steps aside waving me in. "Yes you can come in" he says, I walk in past him, he closes his door. "Gaz told me to that we're going to the bar tonight" Price says, walking back over to his desk.

"I told him that I was going, and he invited himself" I say, he sets down his cup as he sits at hos desk, "I don't give a damn what you two do in your freetime, why are you in my office" Price asks. Straight to the point, "I want to know if I'm able to take off early today" I ask, Price squints his eyes in a suspicious manner.

"This is what, your third time asking off? You are involved with someone" he says, forming a smile on his face. I cross my arms, looking down at him, "Just a friend" I respond coldly. "The Ghost that I know doesn't keep friends" Price says, he stand and walking over to stand in front of me. "The Price I know, doesn't ask too many questions" I respond, we stand in quiet for a moment.

"You know what's coming up, getting involved with someone isn't the best idea" Price says. I think for a moment, "I only came here to see if I could go" I say. Price looks me up and down, "Finish your reports and turn them in, and after that, I'll meet you guys there" Price says. He turns back to his desk, his words leave a sour taste in my mouth, "You can let yourself out, you're dismissed" Price says.

I dig my fingers into my palms, "Yes Captain" I say, leaving the room. I start towards my office, If I get my work done I'll get to see you. I dip into a room, I pulls out my phone, 'Won't be off for a minute, want me to pick you up?' I send the text to John. I let out a stressed sigh, Six reports in four hours, no, six reports in three and a half hours.

I feel my phone vibrate, 'Not drinking?' John replies, 'I'd rather get home safe' I respond. Three and a half hours till I see you, 'I'll get you a non-alcoholic Moscow Mule then' John replies. I smirk at my screen, 'I'd rather you put a gun to my head then pay $13 for lime flavored ice' I respond. 'Might have to, we'll see what they have, let me know when you're on your way' John replies.

I put my phone away, exiting the room, I make my way to my office. Three and a half hours till I see you.

Really super cool time skip!!

Soap POV

I grab my phone, making my way out of my apartment, I see Simon leaning on the wall next to my door. He's wearing a leather jacket, with all black attire, and a skull mask that only covers the lower half of his face. I lock my door, "Another skull mask?" I say, he puts his phone away, "I don't like people seeing my face" Simon says.

He gets up from the wall putting his hands in his pockets, "How are you going to drink?" I ask. "Should I take it off?" he asks, I look him over, "You're not entirely bad looking" I joke. I start to walk away, "What do you mean entirely?" I silently chuckle to myself, "Johnny-" he says, walking next to me. 

We walk to his truck, starting our way to the bar, "I was looking at non-alcoholic drinks, and I'm not sure what to get you" I say. "Still planning on buying me something?" Simon asks, I turn to him, "I said I was going to, so I am" I say confidently. He shakes his head, letting out a sigh, time quickly goes by and we arrive to the bar.

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