Chapter 20: Sun and Moon

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Ghost POV

Seeing John fidget is normal, he's always thinking, so his mind unknowingly fidgets. Currently, he's rubbing his fingers together while pacing. Being in the military, I'm trained to pick up on these types of things. Cause if they're anxious, they know something, but not in this scenario. This isn't a military situation, so I'm a bit lost, his eyes aren't really looking in any direction, but in the direction of the gravel.

He's thinking, whatever is going through his head must be important. I let out a sigh, I look around, we're at the park John wanted to go to, waiting for Lydia to drop off Maddison. I don't go to parks, the screaming children, the chaotic activities. Shadowing John, I've learned that's just being a kid, or so I think.

I look over to him, he's leaned back on car beside me, hanging his head. "We've only been here for for two minutes" I say, he kicks his foot out "I know" he says, annoyed. "Anxious?" I ask, he starts to tap his foot, I'll take that as a yes. A car pulls in a few spots away from us.

Soap POV

Lydia, I take a breath, walking over to the car. I look in the windows, Only Lydia and Maddison today, that's good. Lydia hops out and walks towards me for a hug "Hi Johnny, I'm so-" I step back, avoiding her. She stops, lowering her arms "Right.. Sorry, well I'm glad you texted me, and I see you brought Simon" She looks past me, waving to him. He gives her a light nod, staying leaned on his car.

"Maybe we can have a family day! At the park, having fun, like we used to!" Lydia says. I take a breath "Where's Maddison?" I ask, her smile fades, she scoffs. "Right" She walks over to her car, opening the backseat. Maddison is sitting in her carseat, holding onto a stuffed bunny I gave her when she was first born.

Lydia takes her out, grabbing a small bag, she sets her on the ground. Maddison clings onto to Lydia's leg "Maddie, daddy's here!" Lydia says, pointing my direction. Maddison excitedly turns her head, her smile lights up, quickly running my direction. I smile down at her, "Hi Maddie" I pick her up, spinning her around.

I kiss her cheek, "How's my baby girl doing?" I ask, "Awesome!" She responds energetically. "Guess who's also here?" I ask, Simon walks up next to us, his face stagnant as always. Maddison gasps, and reaches over for him "GHOST!" She yells excited, I put her down. Immediately she clings onto his leg, "Ghost Ghost Ghost!" She chants, while jumping up and down.

Simon reaches down, patting her head, I chuckle at their interaction. "John" Lydia calls out, Right, she's here. I turn to her, my returning to my normal face, she hands me the small bag she has. "What's this?" I ask, opening it, "Maddison's EpiPen, after this I'm going to pick up her refill" Lydia says. I close the bag, putting it over my shoulder, I pause for a moment.

This is a good time, I turn to Simon, who is walking backwards in a circle while Maddison follows. "Simon, take Maddison and get a snack, I'll be right over" I say. Maddison walks over, pouting up at me "Why aren't you coming?" She asks sadly. "I'm going to join you guys, I just have to talk to mommy first, so right now Ghost is going to take you to get a snack, isn't that right?" I ask, looking over to Simon.

He looks down to Maddison, nodding, I grab her face, kissing her forehead. "Be a good girl and stay next to Ghost" She nods, walking over, grabbing his hand. "Can we get ice cream?" Maddison asks, Straight to the point, "Let's see what they have" Simon says. They start off, seeing them together reminds of the day after I moved out of that house.

I took Maddison to the park, it was late in the afternoon, so we didn't have a lot of time. So we walked, her hand held onto two of my fingers, holding that same bunny. I didn't talk much that day, my throat was sore from crying, losing my daughter and the life I thought would never end. I'm not sure if she really knew that I cried that day, but her smile that day.. It just made everything so much better.

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