Chapter 14: Dinner and Problems

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Soap POV

"Hi Soap" Benjamin greets, "Don't call me that" I say firmly, he lets out a sigh. "I'm not here to argue with you Johnny, I just want to get through this night, same as you" Benjamin explains. "Don't compare me to you" I say, turning away to where Simon and Maddison went. I hear an annoyed groan, Ignore him, just get through tonight and you can leave.

Ghost POV

I allow Maddison to lead me to what looks like their living room, This is a pretty nice house, spacious. Walking from around the corner, Lydia comes out adjusting her earrings. "Mommy! Daddy and Ghost is here!" Maddison says excitedly, Lydia looks up, she smiles at me, opening her arms. "Simon!" She walks over to me, giving me a light hug, I keep my arms at my sides.

"Didn't hear you come in" She looks down to Maddison, Grabbing her face. "Did this troublemaker let you in?" She says, shaking her lightly, Maddison giggles. Lydia plants a kiss on her forehead, standing straight, "Where's John?" she asks looking around. I turn to see John and another man walk in, "Johnny!" Lydia says in a cheery voice I've never noticed.

She hugs John, he hugs her back lightly giving her a fake smile, "Thanks for inviting us, I didn't know Benjamin would be here" John says, side eyeing who I assume to be Ben.  He looks at me, his eyes widen in shock for some reason, he eyes scan me, looking for something. Rude to stare, I walk over to him, examining his face.

He flinches a bit, quickly tensing up, regaining his posture, Heavy stubble beard, light callous on hands, the way he's looking at me, he nervous. I feel Maddison hands pull on my fingers, I look down to her, "Yes?" I question. She gives me a big smile, "Hi" she says, her words mixed in with giggles.

Just like John, "Hi Maddison" I say, she hugs my leg. "I've heard a lot about you from Maddison here" Ben says, leaning down to rub her head. He looks up and we make eye contact, he coughs, quickly retracting his hand back to his side. I look to Maddison who is looking up at me, I pick her up, putting her over my shoulder.

I turn away to John, both him and Lydia watching our interaction, Lydia walks over, putting her hand on Ben's chest. John walks over standing by my side, "I think this is the first time you guys  met, Ben this is Simon" My name stings when I hear it. "This is Ben" Lydia says happily. Strange demeanor, I look to Ben, he reaches for my hand, I grab it, putting a bit of pressure of it, keeping my eyes on his.

I hear him let out a bit of air from his nose, trying not to make a sound, I let go of his hand, Less callous than I thought. Maddison starts to wiggle on my shoulder, I adjust, making it more safe for her. "Nice to meet you, from the looks of it I would assume you do some type of heavy lifting" Ben laughs at his comment.

I watch him with a stern look, "Lieutenant Simon Riley, British Special Forces" I say. The room goes quiet, a look of surprise on Ben's face. I put Maddison down, she stays clung onto my hands, "Military man, what do you do in the special forces?" Ben asks, with a curious tone. "Ghost, Ghost, look!" Maddison says, 'Kill people' I mouth to him, giving him a sinister smile.

Soap POV

I watch as Benjamin furrows his brow, with a stunned look on his face, What did he say? Lydia claps her hands, "I'm really glad that you guys are getting along, I just have to finish dinner then we can eat! John, mind helping me in the kitchen?" Lydia says, walking to the kitchen. God fucking damn it, I pull Simon's shoulder, talking in his ear, "Don't kill him" I whisper.

He lazily looks over to me, as if I didn't trust to him to have self control, Knowing Benjamin, I wouldn't trust myself either. I shove him lightly, walking into the kitchen with Lydia, she waves me over. I walk over to the counter, trying to keep my distance, "Shouldn't you have asked Simon to do this, since the whole reason why we're here is so you could apologize to him?" I ask.

She places down a cutting board, knife, along with a bowl of fruit. "Cut these, I'll deal with the roast" She says, ignoring my question. I pick up the knife, feeling nervous with the blade in my hand, I quickly place it down, leaning over the counter. Breath Johnny, "Are you going to cut the fruit like I asked, or are you just going to look at them?" Lydia asks.

I turn to look at her, she's crossed her arms and she's looking at me in annoyed manner. Sorry, I'm not quiet use to knifes yet, "Sorry" I say quietly. I pick up the knife, starting to cut the fruit in half, I feel her eyes watching me. I cut a couple in half, putting them in a different bowl, Lydia picks one up, looking it over.

I don't know about my future career in peach cutting, but I have a feeling I wouldn't be good at it. "Is that how you cut fruit for Maddison?" Lydia says, "I don't think a 4 year old really cares how you cut it" I respond, continuing. She reaches over and takes the knife from me, "With all this time you've had to yourself I'd assume you'd at least try to be better at something" Lydia says.

I back from the counter, making space between the two of us, Too close. "Sorry" I say, she lets out a sigh, throwing back her head. "Johnny you know I don't mean it" Lydia says, looking my direction, I wave her off. "It's fine, just don't.. Call me that" I say, I cross my arms, avoiding eye contact with Lydia.

This was a bad idea, "John-..." I look over to Lydia, "Is there something else I can help you with?" I ask. She looks surprised by my question, a smirk slowly forms on her face, "If you could get the salad bowl from the cabinet" She asks, pointing. I walk over to the cabinet, reaching for it, my hand searches around, No salad bowl.

I place my hand down, confused, "No bowl" I say, keeping my eyes away from her. She walks over, I feel her hand slide onto mine and her chest on my arm. I quickly look over to her, she's looking into the cabinet, as if she hasn't noticed. "I'm sure it was there.." Lydia says, I feel a shaky feeling in my chest, "Lydia... Can you..." she turns her head, her eyes meeting mine.

"Y..." I struggle to say, "Yeah Johnny?" Lydia says, she steps closer, pushing herself into me. "I-I.." I don't feel safe, I yank my hand back, stepping away from lydia. She follows me slowly, placing her hand on my chest, I turn away from her "I'm gonna go to the bathroom" I say. I quickly leave the kitchen, I feel a wet spot on my face.

Am I crying? Why am I crying? I place my hand on my face, trying to hide it if Maddison were to see me. Calm down, just go to the bathroom. 

{SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP, I KNOW I HAVEN'T UPLOADED IN ALMOST 3 WEEKS. LET ME LIVE, DAMN. I hope you enjoyed cause I'm tryna get back on track}

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