Chapter 3: Saved Numbers

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Soap POV

I pick up Maddie, taking her out of the carseat, putting her on the ground. I grab her backpack, putting it around my shoulder, Ok first day on the job, hopefully things will go good for me. I close the car door, I look at my phone for a second, Nothing, I put it away, I offer my hand down to Maddie, she quickly grabs it. Grabbing hold of two of my fingers with her tiny hand, "You ready Maddie?" I ask her, she quickly nods her head.

We start walking towards the building, Maddison reaches for my other hand, I grab it. I lifting her, putting her on my shoes, waddling with her. She starts humming a tune, I smile down at her, she's enjoying her time on my shoes. She still hasn't responded, I need her to text me back, hopefully soon. 

I look up, Now that I think about it, I haven't texted Simon since we saw each other last, I put his number in my phone but I didn't do anything with it. Should I have texted? I mean, what do we even have to talk about, we didn't talk about much, I get Maddison off my feet. We walk into the building, Maybe today will be a step in the right direction. Maddison let's go of my hand and runs away from me, "Maddie wait for...".

I look up and see Simon leaning back on the wall, Skull mask.. Maddison runs over to him, I watch as she waves up at him. He reaches down, putting his hand on her head, she smiles up at him happily. I walk over, Simon looks up at me, he removes his hand from Maddison's head, "MacTavish" he says formally, getting up from the wall, "Sir" I respond, giving him a small smile.

Maddison grabs Simon's hand, examining his fingers, "Dropping off your daughter?" Simon asks. "Yeah, I'm actually here for onboarding thanks to you" I say crossing my arms, "That's why I'm here" Simon says. I tilt my head, "So you we're waiting for me?" I ask, he ignores my question and looks down to Maddison. Who is now comparing her hand size to his, Simon wiggles his fingers, going along with whatever Maddison is doing, keeping his focus on me.

I grab her hand, pulling her away, "Ok Maddie, it's time to go with Ms. Traves, say goodbye" I tell her. She waves to Simon, giving him a big smile, I walk her over to the the entrance, Ms. Traves is waiting next to her room. I kneel down to Maddison, giving her a tight hug, I kiss her forehead. I whisper to her, "Be a good girl, daddy loves you very much" I say.

She hugs me back, she lets go, waving bye to me, I stand waving back to her. I watch her as she runs into the room, the door closing behind her. They grow almost too quick, I turn back to Simon, he's standing with his arms crossed. I walk past him opening the door for him, "Lieutenant" I say, he nods walking through it.  

We start walking, "During this, I just need you to fill out a couple papers, all formality, but I do suggest that you thoroughly look over all documents that I give you" Simon explains. "Heard sir" I respond,  we walk to his office, I sit while Simon pulls out papers from a file cabinet.

I watch his eyes as he flips through the pages, his dark eyes hidden behind his lightly colored lashes, I wonder if other people see you like I do. "You're staring again, MacTavish" Simon says, sliding over the papers to me. "Apologies sir" I say, I start to look through the papers, Accident and injury, personal information, just normal forms. 

I hand the papers back completed, he takes them putting them in a folder, into the file cabinet next to him. A moment goes by, Should I... Say something? I adjust myself in my seat nervously. I start to look around the room, trying not to look at him, I pull my phone out looking at it for a moment, Still hasn't gotten back to me. I hear Simon make a sound, as if he was going to say something but he cuts himself off. I turn to him, noticing his focus is on the cabinet.

Ghost POV

 "MacTavish" I say, he looks back to me, "Yes sir?" he says curious, "The other day.. In the parking lot..." I say. I look up to him, I tense up looking at his eyes, Just ask, he won't think less of you if you ask, he raises his eyebrow curiously. I take a breath, "Did you-", John looks back down next to him, I stop myself, "Is there something wrong?" I ask, he digs into his pocket and pulls out his phone.

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