Chapter 9: Thoughts Of The Past

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Soap POV

I lay silently in bed, staring at the roof, Already put Maddison to bed, and cleaned the house. I let out a loud sigh, closing my eyes, So why can't I sleep? I sit up, looking around my room. Even though I've cleaned up, it still seems messy and unorganized. I wasn't always like this, I didn't use to notice these things.

I stand, walking quietly over to my only window, Quiet, don't make too much noise. I peek out the broken blinds, I want to call the street quiet, but it's filled with nothing but loud cars and drunk people making their way home. The street is dark, but adjacent to my window is a yellow streetlight.

Since I've moved into my apartment, each night, it flickers, getting dimmer each day. Just under it is a worn bench, facing towards the park, it saddens me to look at it. Sometimes I wish it would just.. Disappear.


I walk around the city, bright signs, yelling everywhere, party like. My friends are nowhere to be seen, I can find them later. I walk into a shop, not too loud, shop workers cleaning up. "Why'd they choose this street for a block party? Each bastard that walks in here, is either black out drunk or only wants to use the bathroom" A worker says.

I walk up to the counter, leaning over it, examining the worker. Short woman, long dark hair, and what looks to be a guns and roses tattoo they're trying to hide with a turtleneck. "Which am I?" I ask, looking back to the worker with a smile. They smirk, looking me over.

"A drunkard, but I might be confusing it with your.." Their eyes look me up and down "Scottish, counterparts" They say. I chuckle at their comment, "You seem fun, when do you get off?" I ask. The dark haired woman looks to their co-worker, they shrug waving her off, "Now" She says, with a devilish smile. 

What happened that night would've been unforgettable, unfortunately she was right, I was drunk. A night filled with whiskey filled kisses, and words that neither of us meant. I didn't see her after that night, and nor should I had, it was one time at a party, and I was intoxicated looking for my friends. 

I had a steady job, great friends, and the freedom to do whatever my eyes led me to. Until the call, the one call that changed things, not only for me but everything around me. So I dropped everything, got married, and made the plan to raise our child. No, our Maddison.

Getting to know her while she was pregnant was... A challenge, she was harsh, but I stayed by her. Things were great! Except for the yelling, cursing, and throwing things. But it's fine, I just needed to not slam doors closed, or walk around too loud, or say things that didn't make sense!

I've worked on myself, so I could be a better dad to my daughter. Along with working on my  noise levels, she's also brought up things that my friends do. Going out every night to just get drunk, that's not something a dad would do, it's true that I miss hanging out with them, but anything to be a better father.

One day, after Lydia and I came back from taking baby Maddison to the park, and I think we all were all in much need of a nap. Maddison was only a couple months old, so I would carry the baby bag while Lydia would carry the carrier. "So who I just met was... Who again?" I ask, following her into the baby room.

I place the bag down, "Other moms I met at the store, honestly I don't even know their names" Lydia says, stretching. "It'd be nice to have other parent friends, no?" I say, she rolls her eyes, placing her hands at her sides. Maddison starts to wake up from her nap, starting to babble.

Lydia lets out a groan, "Back on the clock" she says, she bends down picking up Maddison. As soon as she's in her arms, she starts to scream and cry, So much for a nap. "Oh no shhhh don't cry, please don't cry" Lydia says, trying to sooth Maddison. She just cries harder, I offer my hands, "Let me calm her" I suggest.

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