Chapter 12: Tired Soldier

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 Ghost POV

We arrive to John's apartment, I put the car in park, I step out walking around to Johns door. "Where's Gaz? He was supposed to get my drink" Soap says, stumbling out of the car, "He went home, speaking of home, we're at yours right now" I say. John immediately clings onto my arm, trying to regain his balance, we start towards his apartment.

Down the hall, it's quiet, being that it's almost two in the morning, I would assume the public is asleep. Unfortunately, John is struggling to keep quiet, each time I shush him, he does it back as if we're playing a game. We get to his door, I feel the doorknob, Locked, "Johnny where are your keys?" I ask. He smiles at me, leaning back on the wall next to his door, keeping quiet, "Johnny, keys" I say putting out my hand for them.

I let out a sigh, I unzip the jacket I lent him, "It's colddd" John complains. I start to feel the outside of his pants pockets, "I understand that and as soon as we get inside, you can warm up" I say. He puts his hands on my upper arms, starting to squeeze them. I put my hand on his waist, lifting his lower half off the wall, John moves his hands up, putting them around my neck.

He pulls me in, digging his face in between my shoulder and neck. I feel vibrations as he hums into my skin, Jesus Johnny... I dig behind him into his back pockets. I feel John's hand slowly move up my neck, as his fingers comb through my hair. I start to feel deep in his pocket, I grab his keys.

I pull it out, putting it into the door, "Time to go inside" I say, I lift him off the wall, moving him into his apartment. I close the door behind me, "Si..mon.." John says into my skin, the vibrations of his voice sends a shiver down my spine. "Yes Johnny?" I ask, waddling over to his bedroom.

I open the door, just as quickly, John grabs my arms, throwing me on my back his bed. Strong drunk, noted, I try to sit up, but he pushes me back down, climbing on top of me. Starting to slowly slide his hands up into my shirt, I grab his wrist. "No, don't do that" I say, I pull him off of me, putting him on his back, pinning him on the bed.

Soap POV

I look up to Simon, or what I think is Simon, everything is still kind of blurry, and it's a bit dark. I relax a bit, breathing heavily, "Are you gonna calm down?" Simon asks. I silently nod, "Say it" he orders, "I.. I'm calm" I say. He lets go of my wrist, he sits on the side of the bed, letting out a sigh.  I roll over on my stomach, I let out a low grumble, "Stay here, I'm getting you some water" Simon says. He leaves the room, I roll on my side, feeling the leather of the jacket. It smells like him..

Ringgg - Ringgg - Ringg

I jolt up my head, my phone? I dig into Simon's jacket pockets, a knife, pen, and a folded note. I open it, drawing of a bar of soap and a skull, looks like I could have drawn it, but along with the blurriness, it easily couldn't. The ringing stopped, I put the items back into the jackets pockets. I lay back down, the room is starting to spin a bit, I close my eyes, Maybe everything won't be as blurry if I rest my eyes.

Ringgg - Ringgg - Ringg

I quickly sit up, I look off the side of my bed, my phone is sitting on the floor. I reach down grabbing it, Lydia? I answer the phone "Huh?" I mumble. "John? I called you, why didn't you answer?" Lydia says, already sounding irritated. "I.. Uh-" I struggle to say, "Doesn't matter, Maddison woke up 5 minutes ago, screaming and crying about a bad dream she had, and she wants you" Lydia says.

I sit up, wiping my face, "Ok.. Ok, put her on" I say, the phone fumbles a bit. I hear small sniffles, Maddison, "Maddie?" I say, "D-daddy.. I-I'm scared" Maddison says. "What's scaring my girl?" I say, trying to seem somewhat sober, "There was monster, and and it was chasing me, and and I'm scared" Maddison says, starting to cry. I chuckle, resting my head down, "It's ok Maddie, daddy's here, don't cry" I say, trying to calm her down.

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