23; Darling

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My phone rang and I picked it up without even checking the ID caller.

"Hello Aisha" Muhammad's deep voice said in a way that sounded romantic.


"Just called to check on you"

"I appreciate. I'm doing well actually"

"How did it all happen?"

I sighed. I hate narrating stuffs to be honest.

"She was at my house today and I narrated everything that happened between I and Sameera, and how you overheard it. She got pissed and beat her up. And I think Sameera planned the kidnapping" I didn't mention that I had told her he proposed to me. That won't be necessary.

"Oh. We could actually track her. I have a friend that does stuffs like that. Have you received any calls?"


"They'll definitely call. I'm sure. Be patient darling"

Did he just call me darling?



"I'm actually okay with that. Darling. It's nice"
I heard him chuckle and I also chuckled. Muhammad wasn't bad after all. We were both quiet for a while until I spoke.

"Tell me about yourself"


"I want to know"

"There's nothing so special about my biography. I'll start with my name. I'm Muhammad Abdullah Dikko. I'm 27. Proudly Nigerian. Fulani by tribe. I'm the second child of four children. I lost my parents few years back. All my siblings are in different countries. I think that's all"

"Sorry for the loss"

"It's nothing"

"What do you like doing? Like your hobbies"

"I don't know. Minding my business. I like playing basketball though"

"Nice!" Again, silence followed for a couple of minutes. Talking to him made me feel a bit of relief in a way. Even though I was still thinking of Juwairiyya.

"Send me Haydar 2's number" I said.

"Aisha you can't tell him about this. That guy loves her so much. He can do anything and might risk both their lives. Let's keep this to ourselves but I'll advice you to inform her mom. But tell her not to do anything"

"You're right"

"We'll look through this tomorrow, sleep tight darling" I felt butterflies in my stomach and my face lit up. I don't know why I was feeling that or why I was blushing.

"Bye!" I responded and hung up.

I laid down and closed my eyes then took a deep breath and smiled. At least sleep wouldn't be very difficult for me tonight.


I woke up to the sound of someone shouting outside. It sounded like Juwairiyya's mom. I ran downstairs immediately and it was truly her.

"Where is my daughter? She told me she was coming here. Please where is she?" She was asking but her voice was raised. I walked up to her immediately and made her to sit.

"Umma. Please calm down. I hate to break this to you but Juwairiyya was kidnapped yesterday"

"What do you mean?"

Her mum is a very understanding person. So, explaining to her won't be very difficult. I explained everything and her reaction was normal. She sighed and nodded.

"I've heard. I promise not to get the police involved. But call me if you hear anything. Get well soon" she stood up left.

I greeted Mum and Mama who just sat and listened to our conversation and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge.

I called Khadijah when I reached my room and she picked up after several rings.

"Keh! Isn't it too early?"

"Mtchewww, how's my niece doing?"

"She's been kicking hard these days. It's unbearable"

I grinned and just then, she screamed.

"What is it Khadijah?"

She didn't reply and screamed again.

"I think it's time. I'll be driving her to the hospital" Hamza said and hung up.

I wore my hijab immediately and ran downstairs as fast as I could.

"Mum, Mama, Khadijah is in the hospital" I said and they got up immediately and dashed inside the car.

I revved the car to life and in no time, we were standing in front of the operating room and muttering all sorts of prayers.

Three updates.
dat_gurlxx don't kill me.

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