11; Magicland Parade

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Ten Chapters lately 😑




I just changed into my night-wear and lay flat on the bed. Sameera was with Haydar in the living room. We came back few minutes ago from Khadijah's house. Today was very fun. After Muhammad had left, I followed suit. I sat where I was seated and waited for the fun to begin. Not like I was expecting anything to happen. I sat for a while until Muhammad left and a few people. We all gathered outside and talked about everything and nothing. Sadiq didn't say much, he just stared at me and looked away, sometimes he would smirk. Everyone started getting bored and we decided to play Tug of war, Females VS Males. It was a tough one and we obviously lost it. We did so many things and Brother-in-law joined soon afterwards. Later, everyone retired to their homes and here I am, in bed, scrolling through reels on Instagram.

Just then, they door creaked open and Sameera's slim figure appeared. I looked back at my screen.

"Ive had a crush on Muhammad and I think I still do" she started to talk, out of the blue. I looked up and she continued.

"I fell for him the moment I saw him. He didn't notice me at all. I didn't exist, that was in Edinburgh. I didn't like it at all so I decided to make a move. I didn't first tell him I had a huge crush on him and bla bla bla, I asked if we could be friends and he didn't mind at all. We started to hang out, sometimes alone and sometimes with his friends" she paused and cleared her throat, then continued "A day came and I confessed my feelings. He looked at me bluntly and said he would think about it. I didn't see him for weeks and he wouldn't pick my calls or reply my messages. I had to make my own friends. The day he came, he said he thought about it and it was fine. It obviously didn't turn out well and we had to end everything and remain friends"

"How are you friends with that ignoramus?" That was the only question that came to my mind.


"I'm for real. I swear the guy is pompous, feeling himself on top of the dustbin cover" She laughed and went to change. I adjusted my pillow and drifted to sleep.


Today was Saturday. I slept till eleven and dressed in a purple tutle neck with a cropped jacket and a black straight skirt. Sameera wouldn't wake up when I tried to wake her. Sleepy head.

"Your father is coming back today" Mum said, she was eating yesterday's leftover from the fridge on the carpeted floor while Mama watched News and I typed away on my phone. Haydar had left for the gym and would be coming back anytime soon.

"Are we celebrating?" I asked and Mama laughed while Mum grinned.

My dad isn't exactly a dad. He doesn't care about anyone. But I love the way he doesn't refuse any of our requests. There was a day one of his sister's came all the way from Jigawa and said she would kill herself if no one took her away from her monstrous husband. He looked at her and said "Before you do that, tell my wife not to add too much pepper in that food. And you can find a well anywhere in Jigawa, just jump in it when you get one" Mama had told us; I and Khadijah when we came back home from school. We all laughed, so hard.

He has been in Switzerland for about a year now and hasn't visited us since then. We would do video calls at least once in a month and audio calls like five times in 2 months.

I was currently chatting with Juwairiyya.

Ju, how u doing?

I'm fine and u?

Yesterday was lit 🥶, fun!

I won't miss out next time.

What have you scheduled for us today?

Nothing. Pick me up at exactly 2pm. No Sameera.

At exactly 1:50 pm, I was out of the house. Sameera woke up some minutes ago and I didn't bother telling her where I was heading to.

I parked in front of their gated house and honked. It was useless. I picked my phone and called her, she came out immediately and got inside the passenger's seat.

"Magicland" She said when she sat.

"Please no!"

"You won't get stuck in the middle of nowhere again Aisha. The roller coaster just had issues. Please!"

"Aren't we picking-"


2 updates so far


Check bio for a story link

You won't regret.

Story by  Queen_Jury1



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