29; Beautiful dream

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"It wouldn't have happened if only you had captured him already"

"It isn't my fault. Na na na I go send you to prison"

"Shut up!"

"Please you buffalos should shut up! We have two people laying on the bed and you're busy conversing on something that has already occurred"

I heard people conversing but that wasn't what I was concerned on. I was concerned on Muhammad. I opened my eyes and looked around, apparently I was in a hospital room.

"Ahh! She's waking up!" Someone screamed and I could sense people running up to me.

"Mama na! You're awake" Mama hugged me lightly and some people like Mum and Khadijah just stood there crying while some smiled as if the whole 32 teeth plus the jaw is going to fall out.

I turned my head to the left and saw Muhammad's figure laying on the bed. He looked lifeless. The area where he was shot was bandaged and other places.

"How are you feeling? You look worn out" Ikram spoke and I glared at her.

"I'm obviously worn out"

"Bring the food!" Mama shouted and a maid brought a cooler, plate and serving spoon together with a glass of water. Mama served some jollof rice in it with vegetables and handed me the plate.

"Give it to me. How do you expect her to eat all by herself" Mum said and collected the food.

She fetched a spoonful and fed me. I chewed gently and after few minutes I was done. I have finally eaten sensible food in peace, that is.

"Mum, when is Muhammad waking up?" I asked and she smiled. A creepy beautiful smile.

"I don't know oh. Just wait"

"Hajiya. Ba ki gane soyayya bane bah?" Madam, don't you understand love? Mama asked Mum and they burst into bits of laughter. No wonder mum was smiling like a creep.

"Wallah I can't wait for you two to get married" Mum said and continued laughing. I didn't even know when a blush made its way to my cheeks.

"Eh Eh! She's even blushing!" Mama shouted and they laughed again, this time harder.

"Please I want to sleep" I said. That wasn't true but I wanted everyone to leave.

"Okay. Sleep tight. We'll be outside, if you need anything feel free to call" Mum replied and I nodded.

She shooed everyone away and closed the door. I sighed and laid my head on the pillow then decided to get down from the bed. I walked carefully until I reached to where Muhammad was sleeping peacefully. His scars were reducing and his face looked so pale. I sat down on the floor and did not even realise when I took a hold of his hand in mine.

"I'm sorry. Sorry for everything. Everything I've done and said. Please wake up" I had to behave and not cry. I'm not more a baby.

It was like he heard me because he coughed lightly immediately and two of his fingers moved. I looked up immediately and his eyes were slightly opened.

I gently let go off his hand and he held it back with force.

"Your hand is warm, this place is cold" He said and I smiled.

"Do you need water?" He nodded and I gave him a glass of water after helping him to sit up.

"I had a really beautiful dream. Only if it would be true" He murmured after gulping down everything.

"You can share it with me, if you want to"

"Ah! Obviously. I know I was shot and fell unconscious. And I had a dream, that you knelt down beside me and begged for me to wake up. Infact, tears were streaming down. I don't know if I heard the words correctly but I also heard you saying 'I love you Muhammad! Just wake up!' "

I stared at him as he spoke while he looked at the ceiling blankly. Should I tell him that it wasn't a dream or it was a dream? I smiled and sighed then opened my mouth to speak "It wasn't a-" but I was cut off with Mama banging the door open.

"Oh sorry. I just wanted to pick something" she said and quickly left but came back in like 2 seconds.

"Muhammad! You're awake. Alhamdulillah. Jama'a! Ya tashi fa" People! He's awake. Mama shouted and people started to run inside the room, including two pretty girls I've never ever seen in my life. Muhammad's face lit up immediately and he tried to get down from the bed but he winced in pain and was asked to sit back.

I've updated abeg!

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