Chapter 15

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Saintess Of The Archon War by: Sheolle

Chapter 15

I was panting heavy and beads of sweat graced my face. With swift and stealth, I was able to return safely after I scouted almost three kilometers away from our expedition party. It felt like there was no limitation to the area covered by the first floor of the dimensional gate.

The tension was heavy as bewilderment and perplexity were evident in everyone's facial expression. Fear and anxiety crept in everyone in the party. While on the other hand, Oculi the winged eyeballs were still monitoring us and just hovering around as like a drone. It continues to keep track on us and evaluating all of us if we were worthy of living.

"Are you sure what you have seen are humanoid monsters with a body of a snake and a group large spiders?" Adolf looked at me with a scrutinizing gaze as if checking me, if I was telling the truth or not.

Even though I felt the heavy tension surrounding us, a part of me was getting excited by all of these undertakings. My blood was already boiling just imagining myself having a bloody fight between those monsters.

This is part of being a member of the Mayari tribe. We are thirsty for blood and battle.

"I am sure of what I saw. These eyes of mine will never deceive me." I confidently said as I turned my golden eyes glows and turned the white sclera into black.

The second generation gasped when they saw my glowing eyes and as to how my sclera turned black. Just by looking at my eyes, the ferocity and blood lust were reflected in my eyes.

They felt like i was an apex predator and glaring at them waiting to be devoured. Adolf shook his head in dismissal as my eyes turned back to normal. The second generation heroes felt relieve when the blood lust and intimidation I have emanated vanish.

"What you have seen are voracious eater type of a monster. That humanoid snake like monsters are called Naga. And I assumed those big black spiders you have seen are called Taipan swamp spiders. And the average strength of one of those creatures are comparable to a three star hero." Adolf said as his demeanor turned sharper and determined.

His tone of voice speaks of danger. If someone like him, a five star berserker hero has a stern and rigid expression on his face, then that just means that what we are going to deal with is something hard and dangerous.

"I believe what you are referring are the Nagas." I calmly stated as I looked at Adolf's eyes.

"Is it for real? Isn't this only the first floor of the dimensional gate? How can such difficulty be on the floor one?!" Sage uttered in annoyance.

"General Teresa said she saw a lot of those monsters. Then how can we even fight those monstrosities? There are only six of us!" Mimosa said in an exasperated voice.

"Is this how we are going to die?! I still have a wife waiting for me back on Earth! Fvck I thought we will only fight goblins on first floor!" Duke stated as his forehead creased.

"General Adolf, do you have a plan in mind? A plan for all of us to return to our village in one piece." Olivia voiced with a gleam of hope in her eyes.

Adolf looked at them with a serious expression. And all of us was waiting for his statement. But all of a sudden I heard a bell notification sound in my head.

"This is what I told all of you to prepare to face death, we need to devise a plan –" The five star blonde berserker wasn't able to complete his statement when he saw me blankly staring into space.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2023 ⏰

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