Chapter 4

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Saintess Of The Archon War by:Sheolle

Chapter 4

Gordon and Ramsey were screaming in pain due to the wounds they got from that serial killer named Fredrin. I saw their names and talents with the help of the system floating just above their heads. They were a band of criminals who committed murder, arson, genocide and human trafficking.

I glanced at our group and the hoodlums in this massive dining hall. Both parties were still panicking and fear were evident on their faces. If we don't close those wounds from Gordon and Ramsey, they will definitely die from continuous bleeding and blood loss.

"Keys! Bring Gordon and Ramsey to the nearest room from this dining hall. Alicia and Klaud please assist Keys." I told them calmly.

This is not the time to be stunned by fear because my gut feeling is telling me something much more sinister is coming. If that happens, we need everyone to stay together even working out with these thugs.

"Why me?!" Keys looked at me with confused expression on his face.

"Gordon and Ramsey are going to die if they continue to loss their blood. You are a nurse and it's basic for you to conduct first aid." I answered as I picked up the amputated right hand.

"H-How did you I know I'm a nurse?!" he asked with wide eyes open.

Keys wanted to refute but I glared at him, I then hand over to him the severed hand of Ramsey. "Pull yourself together, we need your help here."

"We will assist you, Keys. We need to save both Gordon and Ramsey." Alicia said bravely as she assisted Gordon.

This brunette was a very strong willed woman, after what she experience from Fredrin and his goons she was instantly able to recover from that.

"Kira, Hansel and Jake tie up all of these criminals." I commanded before turning my gaze toward Rosemary who was still stoic and just observing what was going on.

In all of us here inside this dormitory building, only Rosemary has two stars icon beside her name floating above her head. And when we got summoned, it was only her who already has a weapon. Well there was me, I got Paimon as my sentient grow type weapon.

"Rosemary, I know that you can fight. Guard these criminals. Let none of them escape until I resolve the situation of Gordon and Ramsey." I said with authoritative voice.

I may sound bossy and demanding but we need to hurry up because our enemy right now is time itself. Any delay would loss three lives. Rosemary rolled her eyes as she click her tongue, this betch has some attitude problem.

"Tsk! Okay! Whatever." Rosemary replied with annoyed expression.

I walk towards Fredrin and his men, their eyes showed intimidation. I guess they pissed themselves when they saw me manhandled their so called leader. The remaining men in our group was tying up these thugs using hays and plant veins. Hansel and the others were quite resourceful.

"If you want to save your boss, gave him some health potion." I told them.

"W-we don't h-have that." Francis, one of Fredrin's men said with a stuttering voice.

My gold eyes glowed ferociously at them. If there were mana potions in that potion hall that I investigated earlier, then there must also be health potion as well.

"Lie again and I will cut your tongue." I warned Francis before I glared at his companions. "If any one of you try to escape, I will decapitate you without remorse. I won't feel any guilt in killing criminals."

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