Plum :) [Chapter 1]

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(Although Plum canonically goes by all pronouns, I will be referring to them by they/them.)

~ 3rd person perspective
It was lunch break for the employees in Jovial Playground. While Scrith retreated into the break room to enjoy a drink and play her tamagotchi, Plum decided to go out to Jovial Sun Paradise.
Plum rarely went outdoors, so they figured it would be a good time to take a breath of fresh air and see some plants. Maybe even go into the pool for a while just for the fun of it.
But the main reason for going out to Jovial Sun Paradise, was so Plum could try to interact with the night guard.
Plum didn't know the night guard that well, nor did they speak to the night guard. Most of the time when the night guard did enter the building, it would be midnight and Plum would be in the safety of their dorm room fast asleep. He had went inside once, with another worker who worked outside, only because it was winter time and it was too cold for the both of them to be outside. Even then, Plum, Scrith and Jov were advised not to bother them.
So, desperate to bond with another coworker and to possibly make a new friend, Plum would try paying a visit to the night guard every time they went outdoors.
As usual, Plum walked from behind the counter and towards the door leading to the main outdoor area. Figuring it would also be a good idea to practice drawing the clock tower and the scenery outdoors (and possibly the night guard), Plum had grabbed their sketchbook and some stationary with them.
The opened the door and stepped out into Jovial Sun Paradise.
Plum was greeted with the familiar sigh of vibrant hues of colour all over the place, as a slight breeze would brush past them as they quickly closed the door behind them. Plum walked through the familiar sight, crossing the bridge and taking a quick glance at the creatures that were outside the park or in the water.
As Plum neared the clock tower, they eventually caught a quick glimpse of the night guard, standing near the wall holding onto his walker for support. He appeared to be alone, so Plum gladly took the opportunity and walked over to him to say hi.
"Hey! I'm Pl-"
Plum was cut off almost immediately the moment the guard noticed and heard them. He looked startled, quickly running away with his walker before Plum could talk to him.
As always, Plum was left standing there blankly, occasionally glancing at the spot the night guard used to stand at. Plum sighed, still unsure why he always ran away when they tried to approach him. For now, Plum went back indoors to silently mope over failing to make a new friend.

This is all for now- It feels really cringe for some reason but I hope Jovial Playground fans like it!
(This is all non canon)

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