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Monday came like the beginning of every week - fast and annoying - it was also a reminder that she needed to sort out her feelings with Regan and she would most definitely see Gena at work except she avoided her.

Samantha had woken up chirpy, she'd ever offered to drive Jane to school which Novel appreciated and hated; her opportunity to arrive late flew out the window but she drove behind them before turning on the highway.

Traffic was slow and time moved slower, by the time she crawled through the school gates and found a parking spot further away than her usual space, she still has fifteen minutes to spare. Five she spent doing absolutely nothing in her car and another five she spent walking to the department building and the last five she dragged her feet outside till her fifteen minutes were up.

Hurrying to her office, Novel had just inserted the key when a certain someone tapped her shoulder.

"Oh my God." Novel spun, holding her chest. "You scared the crap out of me."

"I'm sorry. I've been waiting for you to come in." Gena towered over her, looking down the hall every second.

"Are you expecting something?" Novel looked down the hall too.

"No. Anyone can walk out and interrupt us and I do not want anyone to walk out and misinterpret the situation."

The situation was that Gena was standing too close to call it friendly. "You can step back."

"The better option is if you open the door, I can't spend much time but we do need to talk." She glanced at her watch. "My class is in seven minutes."

Novel turned the key, nudging the door open with her hip. "Come on in."

Gena shut the door behind her, leaning on it while Novel set herself behind her desk. "Were you planning to avoid me?"

"Do you want the truth or the partial truth?"

"The truth."

"The answers are the same, yes I was going to avoid you."


"You're distracting Gena and my reservations about us or whatever is happening between us haven't changed."

"Explain that for me." Gena crossed her arms.

"You didn't admit you wanted me up until yesterday and I'm here wondering if you have an ulterior motive or this is some level of toxicity I haven't faced." Novel dropped the bomb.

"I've always wanted you but I wasn't sure if you were certain about this." Gena pointed at herself then Novel. "Lesbian relationships are intense and crazy, I wanted to make sure you didn't want me for a steamy night and then some before you got back to your senses."

"And you figured I was serious when you saw me with Regan, that it was okay to want me back after dumping me."

"That's a heavy word. I didn't dump you and yes, seeing you with Regan made me feel things I didn't want to address. I'm sorry if I hurt you in the process of realizing what I felt for you but after Friday, I honestly don't think I can let you go."

Novel kept her hands occupied, moving a book here and a pen there. "We both like each other but I'm still not convinced about you and I want a committed relationship from whoever I choose to be with."

Gena stared for a minute, glanced at her watch again and said. "I have two minutes left with you and I don't think I have us where I want. I want to touch you- sorry I didn't phrase that very well, I am going to touch you until my two minutes is up and then I'll leave. You have the full day to determine if I'm a risk you're willing to take."

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