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"You kicked Avalon out of the house?" Dana eyed Genaëlle who was lying on the couch, one arm over her face.

"Yea, I am so tired of that cat."

"You'll regret it, you should have sent him to me if you were tired of him."

"If I can't have him then no one will."

"That's psychotic, it's probably the reason why he never learnt to warm up to you. He could feel the dangerous aura seeping from your pores."

"I don't want to talk about it anymore ugh!" Gena stared at the opened window, the cat food she'd kept as a peace treaty sat still, untouched. "He wants to play hard to get, we'll play that game."

"You're bad at games, how does one lose against themselves at dart?" Dana blinked in amazement, "I can never forget that day."

"I didn't lose, the board was old and unfit to be used." Gena shrugged.

"We're talking about the same board some teenage boys used after?"

"Whatever, believe what you want." Gena played with her fingers, her mind wandering to her absent pet. "He hasn't been home in three days dee."

"I thought you didn't care." Dana moved Gena's legs so she could sit. "I bought Chinese on my way over, help yourself."

"I am not hungry." Gena's stomach growled dismissing her words. "Okay maybe I'll have something."

"You're acting like you lost your child." Serving Gena since she didn't seem likely to stand up herself, Dana rolled her eyes at her childish antics. "It's the weekend, we should go out or something."

"The last time I went out with you, I was ditched for alcohol." Gena gave Dana the stink eye. "I can't trust my safety with you anymore."

"We went to a club, you can hardly classify Sera grinding on you; making you all hot and bothered as a matter of unsafety."

"I'll tell that to your kids when I get to be the cool aunt."

"You'd be in a casket first." Dana pointed her fork at her best friend. "If you traumatize any of my children, Avalon won't be the only thing we'd be looking for."

"Sheesh, relax woman. Mothers can be so sensitive."

"Back to us going out." Dana chewed slowly and swallowed. "I saw this really nice diner on my way here, we should go there sometime."

"I can't remember a time where I said I do to both you or spending money on you."

"Since you have refused to let me meet your significant other." Dana hugged Gena tightly till she wheezed. "I will be filling in for spending your money, thank you very much."

"I should sue you."

"What's going to be your charge? My bestfriend tries to hang out with me even though I'm painfully single?"

"I am not painfully single." Gena pouted. Painfully lonely maybe but that was a choice, one she'd embraced the moment she moved to Seattle. Craving someone to share her bed for days on end was only a fantasy she kept under lock and key, the few women she'd slept with had been plain one night stands. Women that were only needed to satisfy needs at that moment, nothing more.

"Good luck convincing the judge."

Gena sighed in defeat. "Fix a date."

Dana squealed, jumping excitedly in her seat. "You're the best."

"Can't wait for Faridah to get back from Africa." Gena smiled as she remembered the last piece to their wonderful trio. Faridah Garbon a well known Forensic pathologist was in Africa, called in for a sensitive case.

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