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Samantha schooled her features until Novel was done recounting the days events before she burst out laughing.

"It's not funny." Novel covered her face with her hands. "I am absolutely mortified."

"You asked a woman to do the nasty with you and she said no." Samantha wiped a tear from the corner of her eyes. "You're a woman honey, I bet you can't remember the last time you said no to somebody, in fact I bet you can't remember the last time anybody said no to you."

"Except Jane, that girl says no to everything I say." Novel left one hand covering her eyes. "I'm so embarrassed, I know I said she's a phase-"

"Which I didn't believe for one second by the way." Samantha inputted.

"I know I said it would never happen again and all the things I said." Novel carried on. "But I can't keep my hands to myself the moment she steps into a room, I suddenly lose control of my senses and find myself either in her arms or asking myself why I'm not lying somewhere underneath her."

"Mayday! We've got a woman who's obsessed with her co-worker-" Samantha pointed a finger at her friend who was holding a pillow above her head. "Don't make me add pregnant woman beater to that buffed up obsessive resume you've got."

"Fuck you"

Samantha gasped, holding her belly. "Do not swear around my child."

"Call this retribution for teaching Jane her first swear word. Oh! What do I do Sam?" Novel collapsed backwards on the bed. "My office is directly opposite hers."

"Avoid eye contact, smile politely if you can't do so, hide in your office all day and for no reason should you find yourself with her alone in a private place."

"That sounds pathetic." Novel whined.

"Well the woman turned your advanced down and called you a lesbian virgin. The only thing you've got left is your self respect and if she wants that pussy she's going to beg on her knees for it."

Novel giggled. "Thought we weren't supposed to swear around the baby."

"Sh- I mean shoot."

"That's going to take a while but you'll get used to it, I can't wait for your kid to have a swear jar. I'd curse freely and she'd have a full jar."

"Who says I'm having a girl?" Samantha touched her belly fondly. "Fabian and I want to be surprised so we don't want to know the gender or fix any gender reveal parties. We'll wing it."

"That's so sweet and cute." Novel placed her hands over her friends. "I have a feeling that it's a girl, a huge feeling."

"Another couple of months and this baby will be out of me. Fabian will be over the moon, you should see him when he's ranting on and on about the baby."

"You hit the jackpot with him Sammy. Don't overthink your happiness, it's normal for a man who loves you to give you the world."

Samantha blinked slapping Novel's hands. "I'm a pregnant woman with hormones that never sleeps, don't cook up sweet things to say to me. I can't spend my day crying over everything."

"I'm sorry, sometimes I forget how the pregnancy thing goes." Novel mused.

"Lucky for you, you had one baby. Fabian wants a football team." Samantha shook her head. "Men."

"We all say men but you love the baby process making. I'm very sure you initiated the one that made that little bean."

"Shut up. Back to the important stuff, I never thought I'd need to add women to your dating list but now that I'm sure I do, I have a couple I'm sure you'll like."

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